Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank

A Repository for Data from NMR Spectroscopy on Proteins, Peptides, Nucleic Acids, and other Biomolecules
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Tag category Dist_constraint_tree

Key tags (columns):

Tags in table Dist_constraint_tree:

TagDescriptiondata typeMandatory
Constraint_IDUnique identifier for the constraint in the list of constraints contained in one save frame.intyes
Distance_constraint_list_IDPointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID'intyes
Down_node_IDID of first sibling down. 0 means no node 
Entry_IDPointer to '_Entry.ID'codeyes
Logic_operationName can be given here and the function in _Function_detail means the node does not have logic information.code 
Node_IDNodes with logic only do not need to be listed here. Combined atoms into pseudo atoms (e.g. LEU QG for all 6 protons) is preferred to keep this loop limited.intyes
Right_node_IDID of another sibling to the right. 0 means no node to the 
Sf_IDPointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.Sf_ID'intyes