/* gnoesyNhsqcA.c This pulse sequence will allow one to perform the following experiment: 3D NOESY-HSQC gradient sensitivity enhanced version for 15N, with H1-H1 NOESY in the first dimension, and N15 shifts in the second. optional magic-angle coherence transfer gradients Standard features include optional 13C sech/tanh pulse on CO and Cab to refocus 13C coupling during t1 and t2; one lobe sinc pulse to put H2O back along z (the sinc one-lobe is significantly more selective than gaussian, square, or seduce 90 pulses); preservation of H20 along z during t1 and the relaxation delays; option of obtaining spectrum of only NH2 groups; pulse sequence: Kay, Keifer and Saarinen, JACS, 114, 10663 (1992) Zhang et al, J Biol NMR, 4, 845 (1994) sech/tanh pulse: Silver, Joseph and Hoult, JMR, 59, 347 (1984) Bendall, JMR, A116, 46 (1995) Written by MRB, January 1998, starting with gNhsqc from BioPack. Revised and improved to a standard format by MRB, BKJ and GG for the BioPack, January 1998, so as to include calculation of the above standard features within the pulse sequence code and associated macro. Auto-calibrated version, E.Kupce, 27.08.2002. CHOICE OF DECOUPLING AND 2D MODES Set dm = 'nnn', dmm = 'ccc' Set dm2 = 'nny', dmm2 = 'ccg' (or 'ccw', or 'ccp') for N15 decoupling. Must set phase = 1,2 and phase2 = 1,2 for States-TPPI acquisition in t1 [H1] and t2 [N15]. The flag f1180/f2180 should be set to 'y' if t1/t2 is to be started at halfdwell time. This will give 90, -180 phasing in f1/f2. If it is set to 'n' the phasing should be 0,0 and will still give a perfect baseline. Thus, set f1180='n' for (0,0) in H1 and f2180='n' for (0,0) in N15. f1180='y' is ignored if ni=0, and f2180='y' is ignored if ni2=0. DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF gnoesyNhsqc 1. Obtain a printout of the Philosopy behind the BioPack development, and General Instructions using the macro: "printon man('BioPack') printoff". These Detailed Instructions for gnoesyNhsqc may be printed using: "printon man('gnoesyNhsqc') printoff". 2. Apply the setup macro "gnoesyNhsqc". This loads the relevant parameter set and also sets ni=0 and phase=1 ready for a 1D spectral check. 3. Centre H1 frequency on H2O (4.7ppm), C13 frequency on 35ppm, and N15 frequency on the amide region (120 ppm). 4. Pulse and frequency calibrations are as for gNhsqc, or as generally used for BioPack. 6. Splitting of resonances in the 1st or 2nd dimension by C13 coupling in C13-enriched samples can be removed by setting C13refoc='y'. 7. H2O preservation is achieved according to Kay et al, except that a sinc one-lobe selective pulse is used to put H2O back along z. This is much more selective than a hard, Seduce1, or gaussian pulse. H2O is cycled back to z as much as possible during t1 and t2. 8. NH2 GROUPS: A spectrum of NH2 groups, with NH groups cancelled, can be obtained with flag NH2only='y'. This utilises a 1/2J (J=94Hz) period of NH J-coupling evolution added to t1 which cancels NH resonances and inverts NH2 resonances (normal INEPT behaviour). A 180 degree phase shift is added to a N15 90 pulse to provide positive NH2 signals. The NH2 resonances will be smaller (say 80%) than when NH2only='n'. 9. The autocal and checkofs flags are generated automatically in Pbox_bio.h If these flags do not exist in the parameter set, they are automatically set to 'y' - yes. In order to change their default values, create the flag(s) in your parameter set and change them as required. The available options for the checkofs flag are: 'y' (yes) and 'n' (no). The offset (tof, dof, dof2 and dof3) checks can be switched off individually by setting the corresponding argument to zero (0.0). For the autocal flag the available options are: 'y' (yes - by default), 'q' (quiet mode - suppress Pbox output), 'r' (read from file, no new shapes are created), 's' (semi-automatic mode - allows access to user defined parameters) and 'n' (no - use full manual setup, equivalent to the original code). */ #include #include "Pbox_bio.h" /* Pbox Bio Pack Pulse Shaping Utilities */ static int phi1[2] = {0,2}, phi3[4] = {0,0,2,2}, phi9[16] = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3}, phi10[1] = {0}, rec[8] = {0,2,2,0,2,0,0,2}; static double d2_init=0.0, d3_init=0.0; static double H1ofs=4.7, C13ofs=35.0, N15ofs=120.0, H2ofs=0.0; static shape stC200; pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR], /*magic-angle coherence transfer gradients */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ C13refoc[MAXSTR], /* C13 sech/tanh pulse in middle of t1*/ NH2only[MAXSTR]; /* spectrum of only NH2 groups */ int icosel, /* used to get n and p type */ t1_counter, /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter, /* used for states tppi in t2 */ ni2 = getval("ni2"); double tau1, /* t1 delay */ mix = getval("mix"), /* NOESY mix time */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ lambda = 0.94/(4.0*getval("JNH")), /* 1/4J H1 evolution delay */ tNH = 1.0/(4.0*getval("JNH")), /* 1/4J N15 evolution delay */ /* temporary Pbox parameters */ bw, pws, ofs, ppm, nst, /* bandwidth, pulsewidth, offset, ppm, # steps */ /* the sech/tanh pulse is automatically calculated by the macro "biocal", */ /* and is called directly from your shapelib. */ pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ rfst, /* fine power for the stCall pulse */ compH = getval("compH"), /* adjustment for H1 amplifier compression */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ compN = getval("compN"), /* adjustment for N15 amplifier compression */ dof100, /* C13 frequency at 100ppm for both aliphatic & aromatic*/ tpwrsf = getval("tpwrsf"), /* fine power adjustment for flipback pulse*/ pwHs = getval("pwHs"), /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrs */ tpwrs, /* power for the pwHs ("H2Osinc") pulse */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ /* C13 and N15 pulsewidth at 3db lower power for simultaneous CN decoupling */ pwNlw = getval("pwNlw"), pwClw = getval("pwClw"), pwZlw, /* largest of pwNlw or 2*pwClw */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gzcal=getval("gzcal"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gt2 = getval("gt2"), gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* other gradients */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gstab = getval("gstab"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), /*gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"),*/ gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("mag_flg",mag_flg); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("C13refoc",C13refoc); getstr("NH2only",NH2only); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t1,2,phi1); settable(t3,4,phi3); settable(t9,16,phi9); settable(t10,1,phi10); settable(t11,8,rec); /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses (and initialize rfst) */ rf0 = 4095.0; rfst=0.0; setautocal(); /* activate auto-calibration flags */ if (autocal[0] == 'n') { /* 180 degree adiabatic C13 pulse from 0 to 200 ppm */ if (C13refoc[A]=='y') { rfst = (compC*4095.0*pwC*4000.0*sqrt((30.0*sfrq/600.0+7.0)/0.35)); rfst = (int) (rfst + 0.5); if ( 1.0/(4000.0*sqrt((30.0*sfrq/600.0+7.0)/0.35)) < pwC ) { text_error( " Not enough C13 RF. pwC must be %f usec or less.\n", (1.0e6/(4000.0*sqrt((30.0*sfrq/600.0+7.0)/0.35))) ); abort(1); } } } else /* if autocal = 'y'(yes), 'q'(quiet), r(read), or 's'(semi) */ { if(FIRST_FID) /* call Pbox */ { if (C13refoc[A]=='y') { ppm = getval("dfrq"); ofs = 0.0; pws = 0.001; /* 1 ms long pulse */ bw = 200.0*ppm; nst = 1000; /* nst - number of steps */ stC200 = pbox_makeA("stC200", "sech", bw, pws, ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl, nst); } ofs_check(H1ofs, C13ofs, N15ofs, H2ofs); } if (C13refoc[A]=='y') rfst = stC200.pwrf; } /* 180 degree adiabatic C13 pulse from 0 to 200 ppm */ dof100 = dof + 65.0*dfrq; /* selective H20 one-lobe sinc pulse */ tpwrs = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHs/((compH*pw)*1.69)); /* needs 1.69 times more */ tpwrs = (int) (tpwrs); /* power than a square pulse */ /* calculate 3db lower power hard pulses for simultaneous CN decoupling during indirect H1 evoluion */ if (C13refoc[A] == 'y') { if (pwNlw==0.0) pwNlw = compN*pwN*exp(3.0*2.303/20.0); if (pwClw==0.0) pwClw = compC*pwC*exp(3.0*2.303/20.0); if (pwNlw > 2.0*pwClw) pwZlw=pwNlw; else pwZlw=2.0*pwClw; if (FIRST_FID) printf(" pwClw = %.2f ; pwNlw = %.2f\n", pwClw*1e6,pwNlw*1e6); } /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if ( (mix - gt4 - gt5) < 0.0 ) { text_error("mix is too small. Make mix equal to %f or more.\n",(gt4 + gt5)); abort(1); } if((dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' )) { text_error("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); abort(1); } if((dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y')) { text_error("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); abort(1); } if( dpwr2 > 46 ) { text_error("don't fry the probe, DPWR2 too large! "); abort(1); } if( pw > 20.0e-6 ) { text_error("dont fry the probe, pw too high ! "); abort(1); } if( pwN > 100.0e-6 ) { text_error("dont fry the probe, pwN too high ! "); abort(1); } /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ if (phase1 == 2) tsadd(t1,1,4); if (phase2 == 1) { tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = 1; } else icosel = -1; /* Set up f1180 */ tau1 = d2; if((f1180[A] == 'y') && (ni > 1.0)) { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Set up f2180 */ tau2 = d3; if((f2180[A] == 'y') && (ni2 > 1.0)) { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; } tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t1,2,4); tsadd(t11,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t11,2,4); } /* Correct inverted signals for NH2 only spectra */ if (NH2only[A]=='y') { tsadd(t3,2,4); } /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); decoffset(dof); decpwrf(rf0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); delay(d1); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*destroy N15 and C13 magnetization*/ decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC, one, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.7*gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); txphase(t1); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); initval(135.0,v1); obsstepsize(1.0); xmtrphase(v1); delay(5.0e-4); rcvroff(); rgpulse(pw, t1, 50.0e-6, 0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ /* H1 EVOLUTION STARTS */ xmtrphase(zero); /* SAPS_DELAY */ txphase(zero); if (C13refoc[A]=='y' && (tau1 > (pwNlw +2.0*pw/PI +2.0*SAPS_DELAY +2.0*POWER_DELAY))) { decpower(pwClvl-3.0); dec2power(pwNlvl-3.0); delay(tau1 -pwZlw -2.0*pw/PI -2.0*SAPS_DELAY -2.0*POWER_DELAY); if (pwNlw > 2.0*pwClw) { dec2rgpulse(pwNlw -2.0*pwClw,zero,0.0,0.0); sim3pulse(0.0,pwClw,pwClw,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); sim3pulse(0.0,2*pwClw,2*pwClw,zero,one,zero,0.0,0.0); sim3pulse(0.0,pwClw,pwClw,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); dec2rgpulse(pwNlw -2.0*pwClw,zero,0.0,0.0); } else { decrgpulse(2.0*pwClw-pwNlw,zero,0.0,0.0); sim3pulse(0.0,pwNlw-pwClw,pwNlw-pwClw,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); sim3pulse(0.0,2.0*pwClw,2.0*pwClw,zero,one,zero,0.0,0.0); sim3pulse(0.0,pwNlw-pwClw,pwNlw-pwClw,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(2.0*pwClw-pwNlw,zero,0.0,0.0); } decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); delay(tau1 -pwZlw -2.0*pw/PI -2.0*POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau1 > (pwN +2.0*pw/PI +2.0*SAPS_DELAY)) { delay(tau1 -pwN -2.0*pw/PI -2.0*SAPS_DELAY); dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau1 -pwN -2.0*pw/PI); } else if (tau1 > (2.0*pw/PI +SAPS_DELAY)) delay(2.0*tau1 - 4.0*pw/PI -2.0*SAPS_DELAY ); /* H1 EVOLUTION ENDS */ rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(mix - gt4 - gt5 -gstab -200.0e-6); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); delay(gstab); rgpulse(pw, zero, 200.0e-6,0.0); /* HSQC begins */ dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); rgpulse(pw, one, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(two); if (tpwrsf<4095.0) { obspower(tpwrs+6.0); obspwrf(tpwrsf); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, two, 5.0e-4, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(4095.0); } else { obspower(tpwrs); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, two, 5.0e-4, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); } zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); dec2phase(t3); decpwrf(rfst); decoffset(dof100); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, t3, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OPTIONS FOR N15 EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ txphase(zero); dec2phase(t9); if (NH2only[A]=='y') { delay(tau2); /* optional sech/tanh pulse in middle of t2 */ if (C13refoc[A]=='y') /* WFG_START_DELAY */ {decshaped_pulse("stC200", 1.0e-3, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tNH - 1.0e-3 - WFG_START_DELAY - 2.0*pw);} else {delay(tNH - 2.0*pw);} rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (tNH < gt1 + 1.99e-4) delay(gt1 + 1.99e-4 - tNH); delay(tau2); dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN, t9, 0.0, 0.0); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); } else { zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); } dec2phase(t10); if (tNH > gt1 + 1.99e-4) delay(tNH - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); else delay(1.99e-4 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); } else { if ( (C13refoc[A]=='y') && (tau2 > 0.5e-3 + WFG2_START_DELAY) ) {delay(tau2 - 0.5e-3 - WFG2_START_DELAY); /* WFG2_START_DELAY */ simshaped_pulse("", "stC200", 2.0*pw, 1.0e-3, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - 0.5e-3); delay(gt1 + 2.0e-4);} else {delay(tau2); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(gt1 + 2.0e-4 - 2.0*pw); delay(tau2);} dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN, t9, 0.0, 0.0); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); } else { zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); } dec2phase(t10); delay(2.0e-4 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); } /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, zero, zero, t10, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.5*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); dec2phase(one); delay(lambda - 1.5*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, one, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(1.5*gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.5*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(1.5*gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda - pwN - 0.5*pw - gt5); rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(gt2 + 1.0e-4+ gstab - 0.5*pw + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, rof1); dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl2, gt2); } else { zgradpulse(gzlvl2, gt2); } delay(gstab); rcvron(); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4-rof1); setreceiver(t11); }