
#  Entry information  #

   _Saveframe_category      entry_information

High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of 
Chymotrypsin  II.  Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and 
Competitive Inhibitors
   _BMRB_accession_number   966
   _BMRB_flat_file_name     bmr966.str
   _Entry_type              update
   _Submission_date         1995-07-31
   _Accession_date          1996-03-25
   _Entry_origination       BMRB
   _NMR_STAR_version        2.1.1
   _Experimental_method     NMR
   _Details                 .


      1 Robillard G. .  . 
      2 Shulman   R. G. . 



      assigned_chemical_shifts 1 



      "1H chemical shifts" 1 



      2010-06-11 revision BMRB 'Complete natural source information'                    
      1999-06-14 revision BMRB 'Converted to BMRB NMR-STAR V 2.1 format'                
      1996-03-25 reformat BMRB 'Converted to the BMRB 1996-03-01 STAR flat-file format' 
      1995-07-31 original BMRB 'Last release in original BMRB flat-file format'         



#  Citation for this entry  #

   _Saveframe_category           entry_citation

 Robillard, G., Shulman, R.G., 
 "High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of 
 Chymotrypsin  II.  Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues 
 and Competitive Inhibitors,"
 J. Mol. Biol. 86, 541-558 (1974).
High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Active Site of 
Chymotrypsin  II.  Polarization of Histidine 57 by Substrate Analogues and 
Competitive Inhibitors
   _Citation_status              published
   _Citation_type                journal
   _CAS_abstract_code            .
   _MEDLINE_UI_code              .
   _PubMed_ID                    ?


      1 Robillard G. .  . 
      2 Shulman   R. G. . 


   _Journal_abbreviation        'J. Mol. Biol.'
   _Journal_volume               86
   _Journal_issue                .
   _Journal_CSD                  .
   _Book_chapter_title           .
   _Book_volume                  .
   _Book_series                  .
   _Book_ISBN                    .
   _Conference_state_province    .
   _Conference_abstract_number   .
   _Page_first                   541
   _Page_last                    558
   _Year                         1974
   _Details                      .


#  Molecular system description  #

   _Saveframe_category         molecular_system

   _Mol_system_name           'chymotrypsinogen A'
   _Enzyme_commission_number   .


      'chymotrypsinogen A' $chymotrypsinogen_A 


   _System_molecular_weight    .
   _System_oligomer_state      ?
   _System_paramagnetic        ?
   _System_thiol_state         .
   _Database_query_date        .
   _Details                    .


    #  Monomeric polymers  #

   _Saveframe_category                          monomeric_polymer

   _Mol_type                                    polymer
   _Mol_polymer_class                           protein
   _Name_common                                'chymotrypsinogen A'
   _Molecular_mass                              .
   _Mol_thiol_state                             .
   _Details                                     .

   	#  Polymer residue sequence  #
      _Residue_count                               245


        1 CYS    2 GLY    3 VAL    4 PRO    5 ALA 
        6 ILE    7 GLN    8 PRO    9 VAL   10 LEU 
       11 SER   12 GLY   13 LEU   14 SER   15 ARG 
       16 ILE   17 VAL   18 ASN   19 GLY   20 GLU 
       21 GLU   22 ALA   23 VAL   24 PRO   25 GLY 
       26 SER   27 TRP   28 PRO   29 TRP   30 GLN 
       31 VAL   32 SER   33 LEU   34 GLN   35 ASP 
       36 LYS   37 THR   38 GLY   39 PHE   40 HIS 
       41 PHE   42 CYS   43 GLY   44 GLY   45 SER 
       46 LEU   47 ILE   48 ASN   49 GLU   50 ASN 
       51 TRP   52 VAL   53 VAL   54 THR   55 ALA 
       56 ALA   57 HIS   58 CYS   59 GLY   60 VAL 
       61 THR   62 THR   63 SER   64 ASP   65 VAL 
       66 VAL   67 VAL   68 ALA   69 GLY   70 GLU 
       71 PHE   72 ASP   73 GLN   74 GLY   75 SER 
       76 SER   77 SER   78 GLU   79 LYS   80 ILE 
       81 GLN   82 LYS   83 LEU   84 LYS   85 ILE 
       86 ALA   87 LYS   88 VAL   89 PHE   90 LYS 
       91 ASN   92 SER   93 LYS   94 TYR   95 ASN 
       96 SER   97 LEU   98 THR   99 ILE  100 ASN 
      101 ASN  102 ASP  103 ILE  104 THR  105 LEU 
      106 LEU  107 LYS  108 LEU  109 SER  110 THR 
      111 ALA  112 ALA  113 SER  114 PHE  115 SER 
      116 GLN  117 THR  118 VAL  119 SER  120 ALA 
      121 VAL  122 CYS  123 LEU  124 PRO  125 SER 
      126 ALA  127 SER  128 ASP  129 ASP  130 PHE 
      131 ALA  132 ALA  133 GLY  134 THR  135 THR 
      136 CYS  137 VAL  138 VAL  139 THR  140 GLY 
      141 TRP  142 GLY  143 LEU  144 THR  145 ARG 
      146 TYR  147 THR  148 ASN  149 ALA  150 ASN 
      151 THR  152 PRO  153 ASP  154 ARG  155 LEU 
      156 GLN  157 GLN  158 ALA  159 SER  160 LEU 
      161 PRO  162 LEU  163 LEU  164 SER  165 ASN 
      166 THR  167 ASN  168 CYS  169 LYS  170 LYS 
      171 TYR  172 TRP  173 GLY  174 THR  175 LYS 
      176 ILE  177 LYS  178 ASP  179 ALA  180 MET 
      181 ILE  182 CYS  183 ALA  184 GLY  185 ALA 
      186 SER  187 GLY  188 VAL  189 SER  190 SER 
      191 CYS  192 MET  193 GLY  194 ASP  195 SER 
      196 GLY  197 GLY  198 PRO  199 LEU  200 VAL 
      201 CYS  202 LYS  203 LYS  204 ASN  205 GLY 
      206 ALA  207 TRP  208 THR  209 LEU  210 VAL 
      211 GLY  212 ILE  213 VAL  214 SER  215 TRP 
      216 GLY  217 SER  218 SER  219 THR  220 CYS 
      221 SER  222 THR  223 SER  224 THR  225 PRO 
      226 GLY  227 VAL  228 TYR  229 ALA  230 ARG 
      231 VAL  232 THR  233 ALA  234 LEU  235 VAL 
      236 ASN  237 TRP  238 VAL  239 GLN  240 GLN 
      241 THR  242 LEU  243 ALA  244 ALA  245 ASN 


   _Sequence_homology_query_date                .
   _Sequence_homology_query_revised_last_date   2015-01-20


      BMRB         4865  BCAa                                                                                                                             100.00 241  97.96  97.96 8.27e-168 
      BMRB         6881  bovine_alpha_chymotrypsin                                                                                                        100.00 241  97.96  97.96 9.43e-168 
      BMRB          960 "chymotrypsinogen A"                                                                                                              100.00 245 100.00 100.00 2.47e-175 
      BMRB          961  chymotrypsin                                                                                                                      93.88 230 100.00 100.00 7.73e-164 
      BMRB          962 "chymotrypsinogen A"                                                                                                              100.00 245 100.00 100.00 2.47e-175 
      BMRB          963  chymotrypsin                                                                                                                      93.88 230 100.00 100.00 7.73e-164 
      BMRB          964 "chymotrypsinogen A"                                                                                                              100.00 245 100.00 100.00 2.47e-175 
      BMRB          965  chymotrypsin                                                                                                                      93.88 230 100.00 100.00 7.73e-164 
      BMRB          967  chymotrypsin                                                                                                                      93.88 230 100.00 100.00 7.73e-164 
      PDB  1AB9          "Crystal Structure Of Bovine Gamma-Chymotrypsin"                                                                                   53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1ACB          "Crystal And Molecular Structure Of The Bovine Alpha-Chymotrypsin-Eglin C Complex At 2.0 Angstroms Resolution"                    100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1AFQ          "Crystal Structure Of Bovine Gamma-Chymotrypsin Complexed With A Synthetic Inhibitor"                                              53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1CA0          "Bovine Chymotrypsin Complexed To Appi"                                                                                            53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1CBW          "Bovine Chymotrypsin Complexed To Bpti"                                                                                            53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1CGI          "Three-Dimensional Structure Of The Complexes Between Bovine ChymotrypsinogenA And Two Recombinant Variants Of Human Pancreatic " 100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1CGJ          "Three-Dimensional Structure Of The Complexes Between Bovine ChymotrypsinogenA And Two Recombinant Variants Of Human Pancreatic " 100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1CHG          "Chymotrypsinogen,2.5 Angstroms Crystal Structure, Comparison With Alpha-Chymotrypsin,And Implications For Zymogen Activation"    100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1CHO          "Crystal And Molecular Structures Of The Complex Of Alpha- Chymotrypsin With Its Inhibitor Turkey Ovomucoid Third Domain At 1.8 "  53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1DLK          "Crystal Structure Analysis Of Delta-Chymotrypsin Bound To A Peptidyl Chloromethyl Ketone Inhibitor"                               93.88 230  99.57  99.57 4.03e-163 
      PDB  1EX3          "Crystal Structure Of Bovine Chymotrypsinogen A (Tetragonal)"                                                                     100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1GCD          'Refined Crystal Structure Of "aged" And "non-Aged" Organophosphoryl Conjugates Of Gamma-Chymotrypsin'                            100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1GCT          "Is Gamma-Chymotrypsin A Tetrapeptide Acyl-Enzyme Adduct Of Gamma- Chymotrypsin?"                                                  53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1GG6          "Crystal Stucture Of Gamma Chymotrypsin With N-Acetyl- Phenylalanine Trifluoromethyl Ketone Bound At The Active Site"              53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1GGD          "Crystal Stucture Of Gamma Chymotrypsin With N-Acetyl-Leucil- Phenylalanine Aldehyde Bound At The Active Site"                     53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1GHA          "A Second Active Site In Chymotrypsin? The X-Ray Crystal Structure Of N-Acetyl-D-Tryptophan Bound To Gamma-Chymotrypsin"           53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1GHB          "A Second Active Site In Chymotrypsin? The X-Ray Crystal Structure Of N-Acetyl-D-Tryptophan Bound To Gamma-Chymotrypsin"           53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1GL0          "Structure Of The Complex Between Bovine Alpha-Chymotrypsin And Pmp-D2v, An Inhibitor From The Insect Locusta Migratoria"         100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1GL1          "Structure Of The Complex Between Bovine Alpha-Chymotrypsin And Pmp-C, An Inhibitor From The Insect Locusta Migratoria"           100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1GMC          "The X-Ray Crystal Structure Of The Tetrahedral Intermediate Of Gamma- Chymotrypsin In Hexane"                                     53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1GMD          "X-ray Crystal Structure Of Gamma-chymotrypsin In Hexane"                                                                          53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1GMH          'Refined Crystal Structure Of "aged" And "non-Aged" Organophosphoryl Conjugates Of Gamma-Chymotrypsin'                             53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1HJA          "Lys 18 Variant Of Turkey Ovomucoid Inhibitor Third Domain Complexed With Alpha-Chymotrypsin"                                      53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1K2I          "Crystal Structure Of Gamma-Chymotrypsin In Complex With 7- Hydroxycoumarin"                                                      100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1MTN          "Bovine Alpha-Chymotrypsin:bpti Crystallization"                                                                                   53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1N8O          "Crystal Structure Of A Complex Between Bovine Chymotrypsin And Ecotin"                                                            53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1OXG          "Crystal Structure Of A Complex Formed Between Organic Solvent Treated Bovine Alpha-Chymotrypsin And Its Autocatalytically Produ" 100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1P2M          "Structural Consequences Of Accommodation Of Four Non- Cognate Amino-Acid Residues In The S1 Pocket Of Bovine Trypsin And Chymot" 100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1P2N          "Structural Consequences Of Accommodation Of Four Non- Cognate Amino-acid Residues In The S1 Pocket Of Bovine Trypsin And Chymot" 100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1P2O          "Structural Consequences Of Accommodation Of Four Non- Cognate Amino-Acid Residues In The S1 Pocket Of Bovine Trypsin And Chymot" 100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1P2Q          "Structural Consequences Of Accommodation Of Four Non- Cognate Amino-Acid Residues In The S1 Pocket Of Bovine Trypsin And Chymot" 100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1T7C          "Crystal Structure Of The P1 Glu Bpti Mutant- Bovine Chymotrypsin Complex"                                                        100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1T8L          "Crystal Structure Of The P1 Met Bpti Mutant- Bovine Chymotrypsin Complex"                                                        100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1T8M          "Crystal Structure Of The P1 His Bpti Mutant- Bovine Chymotrypsin Complex"                                                        100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1T8N          "Crystal Structure Of The P1 Thr Bpti Mutant- Bovine Chymotrypsin Complex"                                                        100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1T8O          "Crystal Structure Of The P1 Trp Bpti Mutant- Bovine Chymotrypsin Complex"                                                        100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  1VGC          "Gamma-Chymotrypsin L-Para-Chloro-1-Acetamido Boronic Acid Inhibitor Complex"                                                      53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  1YPH          "High Resolution Structure Of Bovine Alpha-Chymotrypsin"                                                                           53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  2CGA          "Bovine Chymotrypsinogen A. X-Ray Crystal Structure Analysis And Refinement Of A New Crystal Form At 1.8 Angstroms Resolution"    100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  2CHA          "The Structure Of Crystalline Alpha-Chymotrypsin, v.The Atomic Structure Of Tosyl-Alpha-Chymotrypsin At 2 Angstroms Resolution"    53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  2GCH          "Refined Crystal Structure Of Gamma-chymotrypsin At 1.9 Angstroms Resolution"                                                      53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  2GCT          "Structure Of Gamma-Chymotrypsin In The Range Ph 2.0 To Ph 10.5 Suggests That Gamma-Chymotrypsin Is A Covalent Acyl-Enzyme Adduc"  53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  2GMT          "Three-Dimensional Structure Of Chymotrypsin Inactivated With (2s) N- Acetyl-L-Alanyl-L-Phenylalanyl-Chloroethyl Ketone: Implica"  53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  2P8O          "Crystal Structure Of A Benzohydroxamic AcidVANADATE Complex Bound To Chymotrypsin A"                                              53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  2VGC          "Gamma-Chymotrypsin D-Para-Chloro-1-Acetamido Boronic Acid Inhibitor Complex"                                                      53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  2Y6T          "Molecular Recognition Of Chymotrypsin By The Serine Protease Inhibitor Ecotin From Yersinia Pestis"                              100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  3BG4          "The Crystal Structure Of Guamerin In Complex With Chymotrypsin And The Development Of An Elastase-Specific Inhibitor"             53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  3GCH          "Chemistry Of Caged Enzymes. Binding Of Photoreversible Cinnamates To Chymotrypsin"                                                53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  3GCT          "Structure Of Gamma-Chymotrypsin In The Range pH 2.0 To pH 10.5 Suggests That Gamma-Chymotrypsin Is A Covalent Acyl-Enzyme Adduc"  53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  3RU4          "Crystal Structure Of The Bowman-Birk Serine Protease Inhibitor Btci In Complex With Trypsin And Chymotrypsin"                     53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  3T62          "Crystal Structure Of Recombinant Kunitz Type Serine Protease Inhibitor-1 From The Caribbean Sea Anemone Stichodactyla Helianthu" 100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  3VGC          "Gamma-Chymotrypsin L-Naphthyl-1-Acetamido Boronic Acid Acid Inhibitor Complex"                                                    53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  4CHA          "Structure Of Alpha-Chymotrypsin Refined At 1.68 Angstroms Resolution"                                                             53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  4GCH          "Structure And Activity Of Two Photoreversible Cinnamates Bound To Chymotrypsin"                                                   53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  4Q2K          "Bovine Alpha Chymotrypsin Bound To A Cyclic Peptide Inhibitor, 5b"                                                               100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 
      PDB  4VGC          "Gamma-Chymotrypsin D-Naphthyl-1-Acetamido Boronic Acid Inhibitor Complex"                                                         53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  5CHA          "The Refinement And The Structure Of The Dimer Of Alpha- Chymotrypsin At 1.67-Angstroms Resolution"                                53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  5GCH          "Chemistry Of Caged Enzymes II. Photoactivation Of Inhibited Chymotrypsin"                                                         53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  6CHA          "Structure Of A Tetrahedral Transition State Complex Of Alpha-Chymotrypsin At 1.8-Angstroms Resolution"                            53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  6GCH          "Structure Of Chymotrypsin-Trifluoromethyl Ketone Inhibitor Complexes. Comparison Of Slowly And Rapidly Equilibrating Inhibitors"  53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  7GCH          "Structure Of Chymotrypsin-Trifluoromethyl Ketone Inhibitor Complexes. Comparison Of Slowly And Rapidly Equilibrating Inhibitors"  53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      PDB  8GCH          "Gamma-Chymotrypsin Is A Complex Of Alpha-Chymotrypsin With Its Own Autolysis Products"                                            53.47 131  99.24  99.24 1.00e-86  
      REF  XP_003583409  "PREDICTED: chymotrypsinogen A [Bos taurus]"                                                                                      100.00 300  99.59  99.59 2.41e-174 
      REF  XP_003587247  "PREDICTED: chymotrypsinogen A [Bos taurus]"                                                                                      100.00 300  99.59  99.59 2.41e-174 
      REF  XP_005894372  "PREDICTED: chymotrypsinogen A-like [Bos mutus]"                                                                                  100.00 263  97.96  98.78 2.45e-171 
      SP   P00766        "RecName: Full=Chymotrypsinogen A; Contains: RecName: Full=Chymotrypsin A chain A; Contains: RecName: Full=Chymotrypsin A chain " 100.00 245  99.59  99.59 9.58e-175 



    #  Natural source  #

   _Saveframe_category   natural_source


      $chymotrypsinogen_A cow 9913 Eukaryota Metazoa Bos taurus 



    #  Experimental source  #

   _Saveframe_category   experimental_source


      $chymotrypsinogen_A 'not available' . . . . . 



#  Sample contents and methodology  #
    #  Sample description  #

   _Saveframe_category   sample

   _Sample_type          solution
   _Details              .


#  Experimental detail  #

    #  NMR Spectrometer definitions  #

   _Saveframe_category   NMR_spectrometer

   _Manufacturer         unknown
   _Model                unknown
   _Field_strength       0
   _Details             'spectrometer information not available'


    #  NMR applied experiments  #

   _Saveframe_category   NMR_applied_experiment

   _Sample_label        $sample_one


#  Sample conditions  #

   _Saveframe_category   sample_conditions

   _Details              .


      pH            9.5 . na 
      temperature 277   . K  



#  NMR parameters  #

    #  Assigned chemical shifts  #

	#  Chemical shift referencing  #

   _Saveframe_category   chemical_shift_reference

   _Details              .


      DSS H . . ppm 0 . . . . . $entry_citation $entry_citation 



	#  Assigned chemical shift lists  #

#       Chemical Shift Ambiguity Index Value Definitions          #
#                                                                 #
# The values other than 1 are used for those atoms with different #
# chemical shifts that cannot be assigned to stereospecific atoms #
# or to specific residues or chains.                              #
#                                                                 #
#   Index Value            Definition                             #
#                                                                 #
#      1             Unique (including isolated methyl protons,   #
#                         geminal atoms, and geminal methyl       #
#                         groups with identical chemical shifts)  #
#                         (e.g. ILE HD11, HD12, HD13 protons)     #
#      2             Ambiguity of geminal atoms or geminal methyl #
#                         proton groups (e.g. ASP HB2 and HB3     #
#                         protons, LEU CD1 and CD2 carbons, or    #
#                         LEU HD11, HD12, HD13 and HD21, HD22,    #
#                         HD23 methyl protons)                    #
#      3             Aromatic atoms on opposite sides of          #
#                         symmetrical rings (e.g. TYR HE1 and HE2 #
#                         protons)                                #
#      4             Intraresidue ambiguities (e.g. LYS HG and    #
#                         HD protons or TRP HZ2 and HZ3 protons)  #
#      5             Interresidue ambiguities (LYS 12 vs. LYS 27) #
#      6             Intermolecular ambiguities (e.g. ASP 31 CA   #
#                         in monomer 1 and ASP 31 CA in monomer 2 #
#                         of an asymmetrical homodimer, duplex    #
#                         DNA assignments, or other assignments   #
#                         that may apply to atoms in one or more  #
#                         molecule in the molecular assembly)     #
#      9             Ambiguous, specific ambiguity not defined    #
#                                                                 #
   _Saveframe_category               assigned_chemical_shifts

   _Details                          .




   _Sample_conditions_label         $sample_condition_set_one
   _Chem_shift_reference_set_label  $chem_shift_reference_par_set_one
   _Mol_system_component_name       'chymotrypsinogen A'
   _Text_data_format                 .
   _Text_data                        .


      1 . 57 HIS HD1 H 15.7 . 1 

