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Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is a group of inherited immune system disorders. Infants born with SCID do not gain weight or grow at a healthy rate, which doctors call failure to thrive. An infant with SCID will have a lot of severe bacterial, viral, or fungal infections that often keep coming back after they are treated with drugs.

Associated Genes

Gene Name Chromosome number BMRB EntriesPDB Entries
IL7R 5 PDB Entries
RAG2 11
CD3D 11 PDB Entries
RAG1 11 BMRB Entries
LMO2 11 BMRB EntriesPDB Entries
JAK3 19 PDB Entries
ADA 20 BMRB EntriesPDB Entries