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Entry in NMR Restraints Grid
Validation report in NRG-CING
Chem Shift validation: AVS_anomalous, AVS_full, SPARTA
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR15874
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Citation: Brown, Jeffrey; Vardar-Ulu, Didem; McKnight, C. James. "How to arm a supervillin: designing F-actin binding activity into supervillin headpiece." J. Mol. Biol. 393, 608-618 (2009).
PubMed: 19683541
Assembly members:
Supervillin_Headpiece, polymer, 67 residues, 7708.110 Da.
Natural source: Common Name: Human Taxonomy ID: 9606 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Homo sapiens
Experimental source: Production method: recombinant technology Host organism: Escherichia coli Vector: pSVHP(pET24A)
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
Data type | Count |
13C chemical shifts | 183 |
15N chemical shifts | 60 |
1H chemical shifts | 434 |
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | Supervillin Headpiece | 1 |
Entity 1, Supervillin Headpiece 67 residues - 7708.110 Da.
1 | MET | LEU | ALA | LYS | LEU | CYS | LYS | THR | ILE | TYR | ||||
2 | PRO | LEU | ALA | ASP | LEU | LEU | ALA | ARG | PRO | LEU | ||||
3 | PRO | GLU | GLY | VAL | ASP | PRO | LEU | LYS | LEU | GLU | ||||
4 | ILE | TYR | LEU | THR | ASP | GLU | ASP | PHE | GLU | PHE | ||||
5 | ALA | LEU | ASP | MET | THR | ARG | ASP | GLU | TYR | ASN | ||||
6 | ALA | LEU | PRO | ALA | TRP | LYS | GLN | VAL | ASN | LEU | ||||
7 | LYS | LYS | ALA | LYS | GLY | LEU | PHE |
13C_15N: Supervillin Headpiece, [U-13C; U-15N], 1.3-2.5 mM; DTT 4 mM; TMSP 500 uM; sodium chloride 100 mM; sodium phosphate 20 mM
15N: Supervillin Headpiece, [U-15N], 1.3-2.5 mM; DTT 4 mM; TMSP 500 uM; sodium chloride 100 mM; sodium phosphate 20 mM
10%13C: Supervillin Headpiece, [U-10% 13C], 1.3-2.5 mM; DTT 4 mM; TMSP 500 uM; sodium chloride 100 mM; sodium phosphate 20 mM
13C: Supervillin Headpiece, [U-13C], 1.3-2.5 mM; DTT 4 mM; TMSP 500 uM; sodium chloride 100 mM; sodium phosphate 20 mM
Unlabeled: Supervillin Headpiece 1.3-2.5 mM; DTT 4 mM; TMSP 500 uM; sodium chloride 100 mM; sodium phosphate 20 mM
sample_conditions_1: pH: 7.0; pressure: 1 atm; temperature: 293 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
2D 1H-15N HSQC | 15N | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
2D 1H-13C HSQC | 13C | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
2D 1H-1H TOCSY | Unlabeled | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
2D 1H-1H COSY | Unlabeled | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HNCO | 13C_15N | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HNCA | 13C_15N | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HN(CO)CA | 13C_15N | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HN(CA)CO | 13C_15N | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HCCH-TOCSY | 13C | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HCCH-COSY | 13C | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HNHA | 15N | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HNHB | 15N | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
2D 1H-1H NOESY | Unlabeled | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D 1H-15N NOESY | 15N | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D 1H-13C NOESY | 13C | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
2D 1H-13C HSQC | 10%13C | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HMQC-J | 15N | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
CNS v1.1, Brunger, Adams, Clore, Gros, Nilges and Read - geometry optimization
NMRPipe, Delaglio, Grzesiek, Vuister, Zhu, Pfeifer and Bax - processing
Molmol v2K.2, Koradi, Billeter and Wuthrich - Structural Alignment, Structural Visualization
xwinnmr v3.1, Bruker Biospin - collection
TALOS, Cornilescu, Delaglio and Bax - data analysis
PREDITOR, (PREDITOR) M. V. Berjanskii, S. Neal, D. S. Wishart - data analysis
NMRView v7.0.16, Johnson, One Moon Scientific - peak picking
BMRB | 15873 |
PDB | |
DBJ | BAG65483 BAG65549 |
EMBL | CAH56147 |
GB | AAC48783 AAC64695 AAC64696 AAD14682 AAH92440 |
REF | NP_003165 NP_068506 NP_776615 XP_001083894 XP_001136112 |
SP | O46385 O95425 |
AlphaFold | O46385 O95425 |
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