Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank

A Repository for Data from NMR Spectroscopy on Proteins, Peptides, Nucleic Acids, and other Biomolecules
Member of WWPDB

BMRB Entry 34470

Title: Solution structure of PD-i6 peptide inhibitor of the human PD-1 extracellular domain

Deposition date: 2019-12-23 Original release date: 2021-01-06

Authors: Guardiola, S.; Varese, M.; Garcia, J.; Giralt, E.

Citation: Guardiola, S.; Varese, M.; Garcia, J.; Giralt, E.. "Solution structure of PD-i6 peptide targeting the human PD-1 extracellular domain"  .

Assembly members:
entity_1, polymer, 8 residues, 1030.133 Da.

Natural source:   Common Name: not available   Taxonomy ID: 32630   Superkingdom: not available   Kingdom: not available   Genus/species: not available not available

Experimental source:   Production method: chemical synthesis

Entity Sequences (FASTA):
entity_1: WXVXEAXD

Data sets:
Data typeCount
13C chemical shifts34
1H chemical shifts56

Additional metadata:

  • Assembly
  • Samples and Experiments
  • Software
  • Spectrometers
  • Hide all


Entity Assembly IDEntity NameEntity ID


Entity 1, entity_1 8 residues - 1030.133 Da.



sample_1: potassium phosphate 25 mM; sodium chloride 100 mM

sample_conditions_1: ionic strength: 125 mM; pH: 6.4; pressure: 1 atm; temperature: 278 K


NameSampleSample stateSample conditions
2D 1H-1H NOESYsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_1
2D 1H-1H TOCSYsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_1
2D 1H-13C HSQCsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_1


TopSpin, Bruker Biospin - processing

X-PLOR NIH, Schwieters, Kuszewski, Tjandra and Clore - structure calculation

NMR spectrometers:

  • Bruker AVANCE 800 MHz