BMRB Entry 50601

Reference peptide containing iso-aspartate at the pH values of 2.3 and 7.4 under denaturing conditions
Deposition date:
Original release date:
Hinterholzer, Arthur; Schubert, Mario

Citation: Hinterholzer, Arthur; Stanojlovic, Vesna; Regl, Christof; Huber, Christian; Cabrele, Chiara; Schubert, Mario. "Detecting aspartate isomerization and backbone cleavage after aspartate in intact proteins by NMR spectroscopy"  J. Biomol. NMR 75, 71-82 (2021).
PubMed: 33475951

Assembly members:

Assembly members:
entity_1, polymer, 7 residues, Formula weight is not available

Natural source:

Natural source:   Common Name: not available   Taxonomy ID: not available   Superkingdom: not available   Kingdom: not available   Genus/species: not available not available

Experimental source:

Experimental source:   Production method: chemical synthesis

Entity Sequences (FASTA):

Entity Sequences (FASTA):
entity_1: XGGXGGX

Data sets:
Data typeCount
13C chemical shifts28
15N chemical shifts12
1H chemical shifts38

Additional metadata:

  • Assembly
  • Samples and Experiments
  • Software
  • Spectrometers
  • Hide all


Entity Assembly IDEntity NameEntity ID


Entity 1, isoAsp_pep 7 residues - Formula weight is not available



sample_1: reference peptide including isoAspartate 4 mM; urea-d4, [U-100% 2H], 7 M

sample_2: reference peptide including isoAspartate 4 mM; urea 7 M

sample_3: reference peptide including isoAspartate 4 mM; urea 7 M

sample_conditions_1: ionic strength: 0 M; pH: 2.3; pressure: 1 atm; temperature: 298 K

sample_conditions_2: ionic strength: 0 M; pH: 7.4; pressure: 1 atm; temperature: 298 K


NameSampleSample stateSample conditions
2D 1H-13C HSQCsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_1
2D 1H-13C HMBCsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_1
2D 1H-1H TOCSYsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_1
2D 1H-1H COSYsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_1
2D 1H-13C HSQCsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_2
2D 1H-13C HMBCsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_2
2D 1H-1H TOCSYsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_2
2D 1H-1H COSYsample_1isotropicsample_conditions_2
2D 1H-15N HSQCsample_2isotropicsample_conditions_1
2D 1H-1H ROESYsample_2isotropicsample_conditions_1
2D 1H-13C HMBC selective for COsample_2isotropicsample_conditions_1
2D 1H-15N HSQCsample_3isotropicsample_conditions_2
2D 1H-1H ROESYsample_3isotropicsample_conditions_2
2D 1H-13C HMBC selective for COsample_3isotropicsample_conditions_2


SPARKY - chemical shift assignment, peak picking

TOPSPIN - collection, processing

NMR spectrometers:

  • Bruker AVANCE III 600 MHz

Download HSQC peak lists in one of the following formats:
CSV: Backbone or all simulated peaks
SPARKY: Backbone or all simulated peaks