Tag category Angle
Key tags (columns):
Tags in table Angle:
Tag | Description | data type | Mandatory |
Angle_name | Name for the angle defined as a community recognized standard. | line | yes |
Assembly_atom_ID_1 | Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' | int | |
Assembly_atom_ID_2 | Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' | int | |
Assembly_atom_ID_3 | Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' | int | |
Assembly_ID | Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' | int | yes |
Atom_ID_1 | Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' | atcode | yes |
Atom_ID_2 | Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' | atcode | yes |
Atom_ID_3 | Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' | atcode | yes |
Atom_type_1 | Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. | code | yes |
Atom_type_2 | Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. | code | yes |
Atom_type_3 | Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. | code | yes |
Comp_ID_1 | Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' | code | yes |
Comp_ID_2 | Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' | code | yes |
Comp_ID_3 | Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' | code | yes |
Comp_index_ID_1 | Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' | int | yes |
Comp_index_ID_2 | Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' | int | yes |
Comp_index_ID_3 | Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' | int | yes |
Comp_label_1 | Pointer to a save frame of the category 'chem_comp' | framecode | yes |
Comp_label_2 | Pointer to a save frame of the category 'chem_comp' | framecode | yes |
Comp_label_3 | Pointer to a save frame of the category 'chem_comp' | framecode | yes |
Entity_assembly_ID_1 | Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' | int | yes |
Entity_assembly_ID_2 | Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' | int | yes |
Entity_assembly_ID_3 | Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' | int | yes |
Entity_ID_1 | Pointer to '_Entity.ID' | int | yes |
Entity_ID_2 | Pointer to '_Entity.ID' | int | yes |
Entity_ID_3 | Pointer to '_Entity.ID' | int | yes |
Entity_label_1 | Pointer to a save frame of the category 'entity' | framecode | yes |
Entity_label_2 | Pointer to a save frame of the category 'entity' | framecode | yes |
Entity_label_3 | Pointer to a save frame of the category 'entity' | framecode | yes |
Entry_ID | Pointer to '_Entry.ID' | code | yes |
ID | Unique identifier for the angle that is valid across the full molecular assembly. | int | yes |
Seq_ID_1 | Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' | int | yes |
Seq_ID_2 | Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' | int | yes |
Seq_ID_3 | Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' | int | yes |
Sf_ID | Pointer to '_Assembly.Sf_ID' | int | yes |