Tag category Characteristic
Key tags (columns):
Tags in table Characteristic:
Tag | Description | data type | Mandatory |
Atom_ID | Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' | atcode | yes |
Chemical_group | Chemical group that is responsible for the observed characteristic of the chemical component. | line | |
Citation_ID | Pointer to '_Citation.ID' | int | yes |
Citation_label | Pointer to a save frame of the category citation. | framecode | yes |
Comp_ID | Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' | code | yes |
Entry_ID | Pointer to '_Entry.ID' | code | yes |
ID | A value that uniquely identifies each characteristic provided in the list. | int | yes |
Name | Name for the reported characteristic of the chemical component. | line | yes |
Sf_ID | Pointer to '_Chem_comp.Sf_ID' | int | yes |
Source | Experimental source for the value reported for the chemical component. | line | yes |
Val | Value for the defined characteristic of the chemical component. | float | yes |
Val_err | Estimated error in the reported characteristic of the chemical component. | float | yes |