Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank

A Repository for Data from NMR Spectroscopy on Proteins, Peptides, Nucleic Acids, and other Biomolecules
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Tag category Constraint_stat_list

Key tags (columns):

Tags in table Constraint_stat_list:

TagDescriptiondata typeMandatory
Assumed_angles_tot_numTotal number of angle constraints assumed to be 
Assumed_distances_tot_numTotal number of distance constraints assumed to be present. These may have been taken from an X-ray 
Constraints_per_residue_avgAverage number of constraints per residue in the biopolymer.float 
Constr_def_H_bonds_tot_numTotal number constraint values defining H-bondsint 
Constr_def_SS_bonds_tot_numTotal number of constraint values defining disulfide bondsint 
Constr_violations_per_residue_avgAverage number of constraint violations per residue in the biopolymer.float 
Data_file_nameThe name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this save frame.line 
Derived_1H_chem_shifts_tot_numTotal number of constraints derived from 1H chemical shift 
Derived_CACB_chem_shift_tot_numTotal number of constraints derived from CA and CB chemical shift 
Derived_coupling_const_tot_numTotal number of constraints derived from coupling constant 
Derived_paramag_relax_tot_numTotal number of constraints derived from paramagnetic relaxation 
Derived_photo_cidnps_tot_numTotal number of constraints derived from photo cidnp 
DetailsText providing additional information regarding the reported constraint statistics.text 
Dihedral_angle_tot_numPlease enter the total number of dihedral and torsion angle constraints used to calculate the reported conformers. This would include constraints for all components in the molecular system (proteins nucleic acids and ligands).int 
Dist_constr_violat_stat_calc_methodMethod used to calculate the distance constraint violations.line 
Entry_IDPointer to '_Entry.ID'codeyes
H_bonds_constrained_tot_numNumber of H-bonds constrained by experimental dataint 
IDUnique identifier for the reported list of contraint statistics.intyes
NA_alpha_angle_tot_numTotal number of nucleic acid alpha angle contstraintsint 
NA_amb_dihedral_angle_tot_numTotal number of ambiguous nucleic acid dihedral angle constraintsint 
NA_beta_angle_tot_numTotal number of nucleic acid beta angle constraintsint 
NA_chi_angle_tot_numTotal number of nucleic acid chi angle constraintsint 
NA_delta_angle_tot_numTotal number of nucleic acid delta angle constraintsint 
NA_dihedral_angle_tot_numEnter the total number of dihedral and torsion angle constraints related to the nucleic acid components of the molecular system 
NA_epsilon_angle_tot_numTotal number of nucleic acid epsilon angle constraintsint 
NA_gamma_angle_tot_numTotal number of nucleic acid gamma angle constraintsint 
NameA name assigned to the save frame.line 
NA_other_angle_tot_numTotal number of constraints for other nucleic acid anglesint 
NA_other_tot_numTotal number of other kinds of nucleic acid constraintsint 
NA_sugar_pucker_tot_numTotal number of nucleic acid sugar pucker constraintsint 
NOE_ambig_intermol_tot_numTotal number of ambiguous intermolecular NOE 
NOE_ambig_intramol_tot_numTotal number of ambiguous intramolecular NOE 
NOE_dist_averaging_methodMothod used to correct for motional averaging in evaluating interproton distances from NOE data.line 
NOE_interentity_tot_numEnter the total number of NOE constraints that represent interactions between nuclei on different molecular components in the molecular assembly 
NOE_interproton_dist_evaluationMethod used to evaluate interproton distances from NOE data.line 
NOE_intraresidue_tot_numEnter the total count of NOE values that represent interactions between atoms within a single residue (amino acid nucleic acid or other residue).int 
NOE_intraresidue_unique_tot_numTotal number of unique intraresidue (i-j=0) NOE 
NOE_long_range_tot_numEnter the total count of 'long-range' NOE values representing interactions between residues distance in the biopolymer sequence (|i-j| > 4) and other NOEs not included in the other 
NOE_long_range_unique_tot_numTotal number of unique long range (|i-j|>4) NOE 
NOE_medium_range_tot_numProvide the total count of the NOE values that represent interactions between residues defined as 'medium-range' or relatively close in the sequence of the biopolymer chain (|i-j| < 5). For proteins these NOEs are often used to define secondary structureint 
NOE_medium_range_unique_tot_numTotal number of unique medium range (2<|i-j|<5) NOE 
NOE_other_tot_numProvide a total count of NOE values that do not fit in any of the catagories for specific types of NOE constraints (not the total NOE count) listed above. These might be NOE values from interactions between nuclei within a 
NOE_pseudoatom_correctionsA yes/no flag that defines whether pseudoatom corrections have been applied in calculating the NOE restraint statistics.yes_no 
NOE_sequential_tot_numEnter the total count of NOE values that represent interactions between sequential residues in the biopolymer chain (|i-j| = 1).int 
NOE_sequential_unique_tot_numTotal number of unique sequential (|i-j|=1) NOE 
NOE_tot_numProvide the total count of all NOE values used to calculate the 
NOE_unamb_intermol_tot_numTotal number of unambiguous intermolecular NOE 
NOE_unamb_intramol_tot_numTotal number of unambiguous intramolecular NOE 
NOE_unique_tot_numTotal number of unique NOE 
Protein_ambig_dihedral_tot_numTotal number of ambiguous dihedral angle constraintsint 
Protein_chi_one_angle_tot_numTotal number of protein chi1 angle constraintsint 
Protein_dihedral_angle_tot_numEnter the total number of dihedral and torsion angle constraints related to the protein components of the molecular system 
Protein_other_angle_tot_numTotal number of protein constraints for other torsion or dihedral anglesint 
Protein_other_tot_numTotal number of other protein constraintsint 
Protein_phi_angle_tot_numTotal number of protein phi angle constraintsint 
Protein_psi_angle_tot_numTotal number of protein psi angle constraintsint 
RDC_ambig_intermol_tot_numTotal number of ambiguous intermolecular residual dipolar coupling 
RDC_ambig_intramol_tot_numTotal number of ambiguous intramolecular residual dipolar coupling 
RDC_CAC_tot_numOne bond coupling between alpha carbon and carbonyl carbonint 
RDC_CAHA_tot_numOne bond coupling between alpha carbon and alpha protonint 
RDC_CAN_tot_numOne bond coupling between alpha carbon and amide nitrogenint 
RDC_CC_tot_numTotal number of C to C RDC constraintsint 
RDC_CN_i_1_tot_numOne bond interesidue coupling between amide nitrogen and carbonyl carbon of previous residueint 
RDC_HH_tot_numTotal number of H to H RDC constraintsint 
RDC_HNC_tot_numTwo bond interresidue coupling between amide proton and carbonyl carbon of previous residueint 
RDC_HNHA_i_1_tot_numFour bond interresidue coupling between amide proton and alpha proton of previous residueint 
RDC_HNHA_tot_numThree bond intraresidue coupling between amide proton and alpha protonint 
RDC_intermol_tot_numTotal number of intermolecular RDC constraintsint 
RDC_intraresidue_tot_numTotal number of intraresidue (i-j=0) residual dipolar coupling 
RDC_long_range_tot_numTotal number of long range (|i-j|>4) and other residual dipolar coupling 
RDC_medium_range_tot_numTotal number of medium range (|i-j|<5) residual dipolar coupling 
RDC_NH_tot_numOne bond coupling between amide nitrogen and amide protonint 
RDC_other_tot_numTotal number of other residual dipolar coupling 
RDC_sequential_tot_numTotal number of sequential (|i-j|=1) residual dipolar coupling 
RDC_tot_numTotal number of all RDC constraintsint 
RDC_unambig_intermol_tot_numTotal number of unambiguous intermolecular residual dipolar coupling 
RDC_unambig_intramol_tot_numTotal number of unambiguous intramolecular residual dipolar coupling 
ROE_ambig_intermol_tot_numTotal number of ambiguous intermolecular ROE 
ROE_ambig_intramol_tot_numTotal number of ambiguous intramolecular ROE 
ROE_dist_averaging_methodMothod used to correct for motional averaging in evaluating interproton distances from ROE data.line 
ROE_interproton_dist_evaluationMethod used to evaluate interproton distances from ROE data.line 
ROE_intraresidue_tot_numEnter the total count of NOE values that represent interactions between atoms within a single residue (amino acid nucleic acid or other residue).int 
ROE_long_range_tot_numEnter the total count of 'long-range' NOE values representing interactions between residues distance in the biopolymer sequence (|i-j| > 4) and other NOEs not included in the other 
ROE_medium_range_tot_numProvide the total count of the NOE values that represent interactions between residues defined as 'medium-range' or relatively close in the sequence of the biopolymer chain (|i-j| < 5). For proteins these NOEs are often used to define secondary structureint 
ROE_other_tot_numTotal number of other kinds of ROE 
ROE_pseudoatom_correctionsA yes/no flag that defines whether pseudoatom corrections have been applied in calculating the ROE restraint statistics.yes_no 
ROE_sequential_tot_numEnter the total count of NOE values that represent interactions between sequential residues in the biopolymer chain (|i-j| = 1).int 
ROE_tot_numProvide the total count of all NOE values used to calculate the 
ROE_unambig_intermol_tot_numTotal number of unambiguous intermolecular ROE 
ROE_unambig_intramol_tot_numTotal number of unambiguous intramolecular ROE 
Sf_categoryCategory definition for the information content of the save framecodeyes
Sf_framecodeA label for the save frame that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the save frame.framecodeyes
Sf_IDAn interger value that is the unique identifier for the save frame that applies across the archive. This value is not stable and may be reassigned each time the data are loaded into a database system.intyes
SS_bonds_constrained_tot_numNumber of disulfide bonds constrained by experimental valuesint 
Stats_not_availableDepositors are strongly encouraged to enter a few statistical parameters describing the constraints used to calculate the deposited conformers. If these data are not available please check the box provided. After checking the box and clicking on the 'savyes_no 
Text_dataA set of constraint statistics data formatted as ASCII text.text 
Text_data_formatThe data format used to represent the constraint statistical data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Constraint_stat_list.Text_data' tag.line