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Tag category Constraint_stat_list_ens

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Tags in table Constraint_stat_list_ens:

TagDescriptiondata typeMandatory
All_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over all distance constraint violations.float 
All_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over all distance contstraint violations.float 
Amb_intermol_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the ambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Amb_intermol_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the ambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Amb_intramol_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the ambiguous intramolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Amb_intramol_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the ambiguous intramolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Constraint_stat_list_IDPointer to '_Constraint_stat_list.ID'intyes
Constraint_stats_not_availableDepositors are strongly encouraged to provide a few statistics related to the constraints used to calculate the ensemble of conformers and the conformer ensemble. If the statistics are not available the box provided can be checked and the constraint statyes_no 
Dihedral_angle_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation value for the dihedral angle constraint violations calculated over the ensemble of conformers.float 
Dihedral_angle_rmsd_errEstimated error in the dihedral angle constraint violations calculated over the ensemble of conformers.float 
Dihedral_const_stat_calc_methMethod used to calculate the dihedral angle constraint violation statistics.line 
Dihedral_const_violat_avgAverage dihedral angle constraint violation calculated over the ensemble of conformers.float 
Dihedral_const_violat_maxValue for the maximum dihedral angle constratint violation for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Dipolar_13C_13C_rmsdRoot mean square deviation for the 13C-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_13C_13C_rmsd_errRoot mean square deviation error for the 13C-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_13C_rmsdRoot mean square deviation for the 1H-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_13C_rmsd_errRoot mean square deviation error for the 1H-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_15N_rmsdRoot mean square deviation for the 1H-15N residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_15N_rmsd_errRoot mean square deviation error for the 1H-15N residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_1H_rmsdRoot mean square deviation for the 1H-1H residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_1H_rmsd_errRoot mean square deviation error for the 1H-1H residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dist_constraint_violation_avgValue for the average distance constraint violation.float 
Dist_constraint_violation_maxValue for the maximum distance constraint violation in angstroms.float 
Entry_IDPointer to '_Entry.ID'codeyes
Hydrogen_bond_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the hydrogen bond constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Hydrogen_bond_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the hydrogen bond constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Intraresidue_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the intraresidue distance constrant violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Intraresidue_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the intraresidue distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Long_range_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the 'long range' distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Long_range_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'long range' distnace constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Lower_dist_constr_violat_maxValue for the maximum lower distance constraint violation in angstroms.float 
Sequential_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the 'sequencial distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Sequential_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'sequencial' distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Sf_IDPointer to '_Constraint_stat_list.Sf_ID'intyes
Short_range_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the 'short range' distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Short_range_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'short range' distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Unamb_intermol_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the unambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Unamb_intermol_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the unambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers.float 
Upper_dist_constr_violat_maxValue for the maximum upper distance constraint violation in angstroms.float