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Tag category Constraint_stat_list_rep

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Tags in table Constraint_stat_list_rep:

TagDescriptiondata typeMandatory
Amb_intermol_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the ambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Amb_intermol_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the ambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Amb_intramol_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the ambiguous intramolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Amb_intramol_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the ambiguous intramolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Constraint_stat_list_IDPointer to '_Constraint_stat_list.ID'intyes
Constraint_stats_not_availableDepositors are strongly encouraged to enter statistics regarding the submitted constraints and the coordinates for the deposited representative conformer.yes_no 
Dihedral_angle_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation value for the dihedral angle constraint violations calculated over the representative conformer.float 
Dihedral_angle_rmsd_errEstimated error in the dihedral angle constraint violations calculated over the representative conformer.float 
Dipolar_13C_13C_rmsdRoot mean square deviation for the 13C-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_13C_13C_rmsd_errRoot mean square deviation error for the 13C-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_13C_rmsdRoot mean square deviation for the 1H-15N residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_13C_rmsd_errRoot mean square deviation error for the 1H-15N residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_15N_rmsdRoot mean square deviation for the 1H-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_15N_rmsd_errRoot mean square deviation error for the 1H-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_1H_rmsdRoot mean square deviation for the 1H-1H residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dipolar_1H_1H_rmsd_errRoot mean square deviation error for the 1H-1H residual dipolar coupling restraints.float 
Dist_Constraint_violation_avgValue for the average distance constraint violation.float 
Dist_constraint_viol_maxValue for the maximum distance constraint violation in angstroms.float 
Entry_IDPointer to '_Entry.ID'codeyes
Hydrogen_bond_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the hydrogen bond constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Hydrogen_bond_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the hydrogen bond constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Intraresidue_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the intraresidue distance constrant violations for the representative conformer.float 
Intraresidue_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the intraresidue distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Long_range_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the 'long range' distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Long_range_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'long range' distnace constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Lower_dist_constr_violat_maxValue for the maximum lower distance constraint violation in angstroms.float 
Sequential_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the 'sequencial distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Sequential_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'sequencial' distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Sf_IDPointer to '_Constraint_stat_list.Sf_ID'intyes
Short_range_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the 'short range' distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Short_range_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'short range' distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Unamb_intermol_dist_rmsdRoot mean squared deviation calculated over the unambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Unamb_intermol_dist_rmsd_errEstimated error in the rmsd calculated over the unambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer.float 
Upper_dist_constr_violat_maxValue for the maximum upper distance constraint violation in angstroms.float