Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank

A Repository for Data from NMR Spectroscopy on Proteins, Peptides, Nucleic Acids, and other Biomolecules
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Tag category Entity_assembly

Key tags (columns):

Tags in table Entity_assembly:

TagDescriptiondata typeMandatory
Assembly_IDPointer to '_Assembly.ID'intyes
Asym_IDPointer to '_Struct_asym.ID'code 
Chemical_exchange_stateA flag indicating whether the component of the system is in chemical exchange with another component of the system.yes_no 
Conformational_isomerA flag indicating whether the component of the system is a conformational isomer of another component of the system.yes_no 
DetailsText information describing the component of the assembly that is pertinent to the component as found in the assembly. Specific details about the entity are given in the entity category.text 
Entity_assembly_nameName for this molecular component of the molecular assemblyline 
Entity_IDPointer to '_Entity.ID'intyes
Entity_labelThis value points to the section of the entry where the chemical description is given for all assembly components of this type. For a homodimer a chemical description of the monomer is given only once and is pointed to by this value although the assemblyframecode 
Entry_IDPointer to '_Entry.ID'codeyes
Experimental_data_reportedA flag indicating whether experimental data for a specific component of the assembly is reported.yes_no 
IDUnique identifier for each component in the entity assembly.intyes
Magnetic_equivalence_group_codeUnique identifier for the group of assembly components within the assembly that are magnetically equivalent in that only one set of NMR peaks are observed for the group.code 
PDB_chain_IDPDB chain ID.code 
Physical_stateAn enumerated list of descriptive terms used to define the conformational state of the component of the assembly.line 
RoleThe function of the asembly component within the assembly.line 
Sf_IDPointer to '_Assembly.Sf_ID'intyes