Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank

A Repository for Data from NMR Spectroscopy on Proteins, Peptides, Nucleic Acids, and other Biomolecules
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Tag category Peak_char

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Tags in table Peak_char:

TagDescriptiondata typeMandatory
Bounding_box_lower_valThe upper chemical shift value in the defined spectral dimension for a bounding box used to define the region of the NMR spectrum that contains the observed peak.float 
Bounding_box_range_valRange value for a bounding box used to define the region of a NMR spectrum where an observed peak is located when the bounding box is defined by a range in chemical shift centered on the peak chemical shift.float 
Bounding_box_upper_valThe upper chemical shift value in the defined spectral dimension for a bounding box used to define the region of the NMR spectrum that contains the observed peak.float 
Chem_shift_valChem shift valfloatyes
Chem_shift_val_errChem shift val errfloat 
Coupling_patternA code that describes the type of coupling pattern observed for the NMR spectral peak.line 
Decay_rate_valDecay rate valfloat 
Decay_rate_val_errDecay rate val errfloat 
Derivation_method_IDPointer to '_Method.ID'int 
DetailsText describing the characteristics for an observed peak.text 
Entry_IDPointer to '_Entry.ID'codeyes
Line_width_valLine width valfloat 
Line_width_val_errLine width val errfloat 
Peak_IDPointer to '_Peak.ID'intyes
Phase_valPhase valcode 
Phase_val_errPhase val errfloat 
Sf_IDPointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.Sf_ID'intyes
Spectral_dim_IDPointer to '_Spectral_dim.ID'intyes
Spectral_peak_list_IDPointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID'intyes