Tag category RDC_constraint_list
Key tags (columns):
Tags in table RDC_constraint_list:
Tag | Description | data type | Mandatory |
Assumed_C_N_bond_length | Length assumed for the C-N bond length. | float | |
Assumed_H_C_bond_length | Length assumed for the H-C bond length. | float | |
Assumed_H_N_bond_length | Length assumed for the H-N bond length. | float | |
Block_ID | Pointer to '_Constraint_file.Block_ID' | int | |
Bond_length_usage_flag | A flag indicating whether unique residue bond length values were used in calculating the RDC constraints. | code | |
Constraint_file_ID | Pointer to '_Constraint_file.ID' | int | |
Constraint_type | The data source for the RDC constraints. | code | |
Data_file_format | File format for the deposited residual dipolar coupling restraints. | line | |
Data_file_name | Name of the file that contains the RDC constraint data. | line | |
Details | Text description providing additional information about the reported residual dipolar coupling constraints. | text | |
Dipolar_constraint_calib_method | Method used to calibrate the values for the residual dipolar coupling constraints. | line | |
Entry_ID | Pointer to '_Entry.ID' | code | yes |
General_order_param_int_motions | The residual dipolar coupling provides geometric information relative to a common alignment frame. The value for the item General_order_param_int_motions is S the local order parameter for internal motions. | float | |
ID | Unique identifier for the list of reported residual dipolar coupling constraints. | int | yes |
Mol_align_tensor_axial_sym_mol | The residual dipolar coupling provides geometric information relative to a common alignment frame. The value for the item Mol_align_tensor_axial_sym_mol is the axial symmetric component of the alignment tensor (1/3(Azz-(Axx+Ayy)/2). | float | |
Mol_align_tensor_rhombic_mol | The residual dipolar coupling provides geometric information relative to a common alignment frame. The value for the item Mol_align_tensor_rhombic_mol is the rhombic component of the alignment tensor (1/3(Axx-Ayy)). | float | |
Name | A name assigned to the save frame. | line | |
NEF_constraint_origin | The NEF defined origin for the RDC constraints in the save frame. | line | |
Potential_type | The potential type used to model the residual dipolar coupling restraints. | code | |
Sf_category | Category definition for the information content of the save frame | code | yes |
Sf_framecode | A label for the save frame that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the save frame. | framecode | yes |
Sf_ID | An interger value that is the unique identifier for the save frame that applies across the archive. This value is not stable and may be reassigned each time the data are loaded into a database system. | int | yes |
Tensor_auth_asym_ID | An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. | code | |
Tensor_auth_comp_ID | An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. | code | |
Tensor_auth_entity_assembly_ID | An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. | code | |
Tensor_auth_seq_ID | An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value fo | code | |
Tensor_comp_ID | Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' | code | |
Tensor_comp_index_ID | Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' | int | |
Tensor_entity_assembly_ID | Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' | int | |
Tensor_magnitude | The magnitude orientational parameter for the tensor. | float | |
Tensor_rhombicity | The rhombicity orientational parameter for the tensor. | float | |
Tensor_seq_ID | Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' | int | |
Text_data | A set of residual dipolar coupling data formatted as ASCII text. | text | |
Text_data_format | The data format used to represent the residual dipolar coupling data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_RDC_constraint_list.Text_data' tag. | line | |