Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank

A Repository for Data from NMR Spectroscopy on Proteins, Peptides, Nucleic Acids, and other Biomolecules
Member of WWPDB

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DescriptionA type of quantitative data found in the entry.
 part of local key (identifies unique row in a table in the entry)
Parent saveframeentry_information
Data typeline
Allowed values10B chemical shifts
111Cd chemical shifts
113Cd chemical shifts
11B chemical shifts
129Xe chemical shifts
13C chemical shifts
15N chemical shifts
17O chemical shifts
195Pt chemical shifts
19F chemical shifts
1H chemical shifts
23Na chemical shifts
29Si chemical shifts
2H chemical shifts
31P chemical shifts
35Cl chemical shifts
3H chemical shifts
6Li chemical shifts
ambiguous distance constraints
binding constants
bond orientation values
chemical rates
chemical shift anisotropy tensor values
chemical shift anisotropy values
chemical shift constraints
chemical shift isotope effects
chemical shift perturbation values
chemical shift tensors
coupling constants
deduced hydrogen bonds
deduced secondary structure values
D/H fractionation factors
dipolar coupling tensor values
dipolar coupling values
dipole-dipole cross correlation relaxation values
dipole-dipole relaxation values
distance constraints
heteronuclear NOE values
H exchange protection factors
H exchange rates
homonuclear NOE values
hydrogen bond distance constraints
order parameters
pH NMR parameter values
pKa values
quadrupolar couplings
residual dipolar couplings
spectral density values
symmetry constraints
T1 relaxation values
T1rho relaxation values
T2 relaxation values
theoretical 13C chemical shifts
theoretical 15N chemical shifts
theoretical 1H chemical shifts
theoretical chemical shifts
theoretical coupling constants
theoretical dipole-dipole cross-correlation values
theoretical heteronuclear NOE values
theoretical T1 relaxation values
theoretical T2 relaxation values
torsion angle constraints
DB tableDatum
DB columnType
DB typeVARCHAR(127)
NULL allowedno (mandatory)
 part of primary key
ADIT-NMR deposition system promptData type