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Number of entries returned: 356

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BMRB IDEntry TitleCarbon shiftsNitrogen shiftsPhosphorus shiftsHydrogen shiftsOther shiftsProteinDNARNAOther
4028Chemical Shift Mapping of the RNA-binding Interface to the Multiple-RBD Protein Sex-Lethal: Chemical Shifts for the Protein-RNA Complex30814902610XX
4120NMR Structure of a Classical Pseudoknot: Interplay of Single- and Double-Stranded RNA297003390X
4226The Lead-Dependent Ribozyme2069202780X
4253An Examination of Coaxial Stacking of Helical Stems in a Pseudoknot Motif: the Gene 32 Messenger RNA Pseudoknot of Bacteriophage T21629302210X
43451H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Yeast Ribosomal Protein L30 in Complex with Its mRNA in Solution648138010090XX
43461H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for the Regulatory mRNA of the Yeast Ribosomal Protein L301932402550X
4780NMR Structure of Stem-loop SL2 of the HIV-1 Psi RNA Packaging Signal Reveals a Novel A-U-A Base-triple Platform106001340X
4781NMR Structure of Stem-loop SL2 of the HIV-1 Psi RNA Packaging Signal Reveals a Novel A-U-A Base-triple Platform2725804560XX
4816Structural Features of an Influenza Virus Promoter and their Implications for Viral RNA Synthesis3923222240X
4894RNA recognition by a staufen double-stranded RNA-binding domain3459347810XX
5170NMR Structure and Dynamics of the RNA Binding Site for the Histone mRNA Stem-Loop Binding Protein1281401390X
5256Solution Structure of the Unmodified Anticodon Stem-loop from E. coli tRNA(Phe)11016171470X
5259Solution Structure of the modified Anticodon Stem-loop from E. coli tRNA(Phe)10213141310X
5278PEMV-1 P1-P2 Frameshifting Pseudoknot Regularized Average Structure366601730X
5371U6 RNA chemical shifts411402110X
5553Solution structure of influenza A virus C4 promoter2911182020X
5559Partial 1H and 13C assignments for 3'-stem-loop of human U4 small nuclear RNA67001170X
5632Solution structure of the p2b hairpin from human telomerase RNA2012502620X
5655U80G U6 ISL RNA Chemical Shifts1381502030X
5703SP phosphorothioate U6 RNA ISL66012040X
57051H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of an RNA UUCG Tetraloop13247141400X
5773Solution structure of HIV-1 Stem Loop SL1237002720X
5834Solution structure of the HIV-1 frameshift inducing stem-loop RNA593101550X
5852NMR Structure of the Active Conformation of the Varkud Satellite Ribozyme Cleavage Site1536902120X
5919The solution structure of the loop E region of the 5S rRNA from spinach chloroplasts1102002530X
5932YNMG tetraloop formation by a dyskeratosis congenita mutation in human telomerase RNA1003101360X
5962Chemical shifts assignments of domain 5 of the ai5gamma group II intron974102720X
6005Structural Basis for Recognition of the mRNA Class II AU-Rich Element by the Tandem Zinc Finger Domain of TIS11d2827004830XX
6062Assignments for the Negative Regulator of Splicing from Rous Sarcoma Virus residues 907 to 92915315171980X
6076Loop B RNAs from the Stem-Loop IV domain of the Enterovirus Internal Ribosome Entry Site with a Six-nucleotide Bulge AUCCCU2263404060X
6077Loop B RNAs from the Stem-Loop IV domain of the Enterovirus Internal Ribosome Entry Site with a Six-nucleotide Bulge AUUCCU89004070X
6094NMR structure of the 101 nucleotide core encapsidation signal of the moloney murine leukemia virus5783506830X
6239Chemical shifts assignments for stem-loop VI of the VS ribozyme.139101830X
63201H, 13C, 15N chemical shift assignments for extended 3' internal stem-loop RNA from S. cerevisiae U6 snRNA1891402720X
6477Solution structure of the P2b-P3 pseudoknot from human telomerase RNA2737303360X
6485A novel RNA pentaloop fold involved in targeting ADAR2184002210X
6509Solution Structure of the ScYLV P1-P2 Frameshifting Pseudoknot21796282630X
6543HIV-1 frameshift inducing element RNA912403080X
6562A novel cGUUAg tetraloop structure with a conserved yYNMGg-type backbone conformation from cloverleaf 1 of bovine enterovirus 1 RNA19793162620X
6633Structure of the RNA signal essential for translational frameshifting in HIV-12731803510X
6652RNA helical packing in solution: NMR structure of a 30 kDa GAAA tetraloop receptor complex882302390X
6756Solution structure of domain 6 from the ai5(gamma) group II intron1431102350X
6895NMR Structure of the RNA Binding Domain of Human Fox-1 in Complex with UGCAUGU2348405640XX
6922Solution structure of the Vts1 SAM domain in the presence of RNA3998906070XX
6956RNA recognition by the Vts1 SAM domain3528306130XX
7090Solution structure of a purine rich hexaloop hairpin belonging to PGY/MDR1 mRNA and targeted by antisense oligonucleotides9021171490X
7098Linear dimer of stemloop SL1 from HIV-11371101810X
7194Transcription Factor IIIA zinc fingers 4-6 bound to 5S rRNA 55mer2979705830XX
7307Backbone assignment and RDCs of L11 in complex with RNA25612701270XX
7308Backbone assignment and RDCs of L11 in complex with RNA and thiostrepton35412701270XX
7314The backbone chemical shifts of ribosomal protein L11 in the complex with rRNA35013604060XX
7315The backbone chemical shifts of ribosomal protein L11 in the complex with rRNA and thiostrepton26313501350XX
11014Liquid crystal solution structure of the kissing complex formed by the apical loop of the HIV TAR RNA and a high affinity RNA aptamer optimized by SELEX.176902350X
11408Assigned chemical shifts of RNA-binding domain 3 of CUGBP1 in complex with RNA (UG)346311807550XX
11409Assigned chemical shifts of RNA binding domain in human Tra2 beta protein in complex with RNA (GAAGAA)4099606480XX
114501H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Musashi1 RBD1:r(GUAGU) complex3869006050XX
11541Solution Structure of Protein-RNA Complex3179706280XX
11607Solution structure of a reverse transcriptase recognition site of a LINE RNA from zebrafish3300970X
15080U2 snRNA stem I from S. cerevisiae133001770X
15081U2 snRNA stem I from human68001240X
15113Solution Structure of the Rous Sarcoma Virus Nucleocapsid Protein:muPsi RNA Packaging Signal Complex88005670XX
15117Backbone H, C, N Chemical Shifts for Influenza A NS1 (1-73) Protein Bound to dsRNA235870880XX
15257Structural basis of RsmA/CsrA RNA recognition: Structure of RsmE bound to the Shine-Dalgarno sequence of hcnA mRNA3407706250XX
15417Solution Structure of the Frameshift-Inducing RNA Stem-Loop in SIV1371102490X
15538Structure of a high affinity anti-NFkB RNA aptamer1933102560X
15543Solution conformation of RNA-bound NELF-E RRM2249105100XX
15656Apical Stem Loop Duck HBV1944503150X
15727Full 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for La NTD complexed with 5'UUUU RNA768180011180XX
15745Solution structure of stem-loop alpha; of the hepatitis B virus post-transcriptional regulatory element1455001950X
15780NMR structure of adenosine bulged RNA duplex with C:G-A triple5207720X
15781NMR structure of uridine bulged RNA duplex1100151480X
157861H,13C and 15N NMR assignments of duck HBV primer loop of the epsilon encapsidation signal1875002850X
15856NMR solution structure of the d3'-hairpin including the exon binding site 1 (EBS1) of the group II intron Sc.ai5(gamma)771002210X
15857NMR solution structure of the d3'-hairpin including EBS1 together with IBS1 of the group II intron Sc.ai5(gamma)771303060X
15858NMR solution structure of the exon/intron binding site 1 (EBS1/IBS1) of the group II intron Sc.ai5(gamma)36001170X
15859NMR solution structure of the d3'-stem closed by a GAAA tetraloop of the group II intron Sc.ai5(gamma)581101830X
15869NMR Assignments of HIV-2 TAR RNA27047292720X
16192NMR structure of the first qRRM of hnRNP F in complex with AGGGAU G-tract RNA25810206850XX
16193Structure of the second qRRM domain of hnRNP F in complex with a AGGGAU G-tract RNA3579706800XX
16194Structure of the third qRRM domain of hnRNP F in complex with a AGGGAU G-tract RNA28311407000XX
16230Solution Structure of Yeast Prp24-RRM2 Bound to a Fragment of U6 RNA3679106420XX
16425Interdomain RRM packing contributes to RNA recognition in the rna15, hrp1, anchor RNA 3' processing ternary complex2808805540XX
16431Complex of HIV-2 TAR RNA and a synthetic tripeptide in a 1:2 stoichiometry1725702360XX
164791H and 13C resonance assignments of a guanine sensing riboswitch's terminator hairpin90001190X
166041H, 13C, 15N chemical shift sssignments of the artificial neomycin-sensing riboswitch in complex with tobramycin1744902350X
166091H, 13C, 15N chemical shift sssignments of the artificial neomycin-sensing riboswitch in complex with ribostamycin1805392480X
16714Structure of a human Xist RNA A-repeat AUCG tetraloop hairpin essential for X-inactivation10445131200X
16920NMR structure of human Tra2beta1 RRM in complex with AAGAAC RNA2809206530XX
16950The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'AAGU/3'UGAA294101040X
16951The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'GAGC/3'CGAG500101070X
16952The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'UAGA/3'AGAU29510950X
16953The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'UAGG/3'GGAU1908810X
17088Solution structure of the pseudouridine modified P6.1 hairpin of human telomerase RNA911601380X
17106solution structure of a preQ1 riboswitch (Class I) aptamer bound to preQ12296703110X
17188Solution structure of P2a-J2a/b-P2b of human telomerase RNA2356103090X
17273Solution Structures of human PIWI-like 1 PAZ domain with ssRNA (5'-pUGACA)45613808780XX
17292NMR structure of the A730 loop of the Neurospora VS ribozyme1739102320X
17309Solution structure of coronaviral stem-loop 2 (SL2)35041230X
17316Specifier domain and GA motif region of B. subtilis tyrS T box leader RNA3471804080X
17326Shin-Dalgarno sequence of the hcnA gene of Pseudomonas fluourescens5400600X
17406Structure of a 4X4 Nucleotide RNA Internal Loop from an R2 Retrotransposon248201560X
17436Structure of the HIV-1 frameshift site RNA bound to a small molecule inhibitor of viral replication62003350X
17526EcNusB bound to BoxA RNA42713507220XX
17535DNA / RNA Hybrid containing a central stereo specific Rp borano phosphate linkage360161301XX
17559Assignment of the stem loop 2 of RsmZ5900590X
17560Assignment of the stemloop 4 of RSMZ5600570X
17563Glycyl-tRNA(GCC) anticodon stem-loop from Bacillus subtilis90001080X
17564Glycyl-tRNA(UCC)1B anticodon stem-loop from Staphylococcus epidermidis87001070X
17565Unmodified Glycyl-tRNA(UCC) anticodon stem-loop from Bacillus subtilis82001010X
1756622 nt artificial stemloop TASL16200710X
1756726 nt artificial stemloop TASL277001010X
1756830 nt artificial stemloop TASL38200940X
17573Conformation Effects of Base Modification on the Anticodon Stem-loop of Bacillus subtilis tRNATYR3800750X
17601Solution structure of the MLV readthrough pseudoknot92001820X
17671Solution NMR Structure of the HIV-1 Exon Splicing Silencer 31411601840X
17682The 912-888 alternate conformation for helix 27 of E.coli 16S rRNA39801570X
17883The solution structure of the Lin28-ZnF domains bound to AGGAGAU of pre-let-7 miRNA1916404500XX
17901Partial 1H, 13C, 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for the U6 Spliceosomal snRNA 5' Stem-Loop 30-mer Construct.17120360X
17941the structure of subdomain IV-B from the CVB-3 IRES1794722430X
17972U2/U6 Helix I80001670X
18336Structure of the RNA claw of the DNA packaging motor of bacteriophage 2969902090X
18503NMR solution structure of the kappa-zeta region of S.cerevisiae group II intron ai5(gamma)3129505500X
18532RNA Aptamer for B. anthracis Ribosomal Protein S82016502200X
18549Solution Structure of Helix-35 Stem-loop from E. coli 23S rRNA1814201850X
18656Major Conformation of the Internal Loop 5'GAGU/3'UGAG135101640X
18702RNA BINDING PROTEIN Solution structure of the third KH domain of KSRP in complex with the G-rich target sequence.235005230XX
18838Solution structure of the ID3 stem loop of domain 1 in the ai5gamma group II intron132001580X
18846SUP-12 + GGUGUGC4309906680XX
18872ID3 stem5900730X
18881NMR solution structure of the d3'-hairpin from the Sc.ai5gamma group II intron including the EBS1:dIBS1 RNA:DNA hybrid564102880XX
18891Solution structure of the Tetrahymena telomerase RNA stem IV terminal loop1411901810X
18892Solution structure of the helix II template boundary element from Tetrahymena telomerase RNA1513401840X
18893NMR solution structure of the d3'-hairpin of the group II intron Sc.ai5gamma including EBS1 bound to IBS1781303060X
18894NMR solution structure of the d3'-hairpin including the exon binding site 1 (EBS1) of the group II intron Sc.ai5gamma1021802230X
18974Modified Helix 6946001550X
18975Unmodified Helix 69128001600X
19018NMR structure of E. coli ribosomela decoding site with apramycin151802140X
19024single G-bulge in a conserved regulatory region of the HEV genome137001200X
19039NMR solution structure of domain 5 from Azotobacter vinelandii Intron 5 at pH 7.82169505690X
19040structure of 2'-5' AG1 lariat forming ribozyme in its inactive state3471204300X
19064TIAR RRM2 chemical shifts in bound to RNA 5'-UUAUUU-3'246830830XX
19248Structure of SRSF1 RRM2 in complex with the RNA 5'-UGAAGGAC-3'2718906380XX
19260A pyrimidine motif triple helix in the Kluyveromyces lactis telomerase RNA pseudoknot is essential for function in vivo2473203390X
19290NMR structure of human TDP-43 tandem RRMs in complex with UG-rich RNA8641821113270XX
19382Solution structure of hnRNP G RRM in complex with the RNA 5'-AUCAAA-3'2939706850XX
19400The structure of the Box CD enzyme reveals regulation of rRNA methylation79002400XX
19534Structural basis of the non-coding RNA RsmZ acting as protein sponge: Conformer L of RsmZ(1-72)/RsmE(dimer) 1to3 complex1252101460XX
19544Csr/Rsm protein-RNA recognition - A molecular affinity ruler: RsmZ(SL1)/RsmE(dimer) 2:1 complex3607806480XX
19545The Solution Structure of a cGCUUAg RNA Pentaloop from Bovine Enterovirus Vir404/031321701900X
19546Csr/Rsm protein-RNA recognition - A molecular affinity ruler: RsmZ(SL2)/RsmE(dimer) 2:1 complex3467806240XX
19547Csr/Rsm protein-RNA recognition - A molecular affinity ruler: RsmZ(SL3)/RsmE(dimer) 2:1 complex3467606290XX
19548Csr/Rsm protein-RNA recognition - A molecular affinity ruler: RsmZ(SL4)/RsmE(dimer) 2:1 complex3558106390XX
19549Csr/Rsm protein-RNA recognition - A molecular affinity ruler: RsmZ(36-44)/RsmE(dimer) 2:1 complex2747005330XX
19609Solution Structure of Protein-RNA Ternary Complex575184011570XX
19634Solution structure of the CR4/5 domain of medaka telomerase RNA3356504630X
19662NMR structure of the I-V kissing-loop interaction of the Neurospora VS ribozyme1866702310X
19686ASD-1 RRM domain bound to UGCAUGG RNA185870870XX
19692NMR Localization of Divalent Cations at the Active Site of the Neurospora VS Ribozyme Provides Insights Into RNA-Metal Ion Interactions1739102320X
19698Solution NMR structure of a preQ1 Class II riboswitch from Streptococcus pneumoniae3992006150X
19726Protein-RNA structure386144010100XX
19776Solution structure of tandem RRM domains of cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 4 (CPEB4) in complex with RNA521177011470XX
19778Structural model of tandem RRM domains of cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1 (CPEB1) in complex with RNA37319408960XX
19873D loop of tRNA(Met)94001100X
19908NMR resonance assignment of the archaeal ribosomal protein L7Ae bound to a 25 nt RNA32611102100XX
19996Backbone chemical shifts of the murine ROQUIN-1 ROQ domain in complex with Tnf CDE 23mer RNA44416601660XX
25041Structural Investigation of hnRNP L bound to RNA36310207350XX
25042Structural Investigation of hnRNP L bound to RNA41913408720XX
25043Structural Investigation of hnRNP L bound to RNA700223014660XX
25049A Structure based mechanism for tRNA and retroviral RNA remodeling during primer annealing2962703970X
25060Backbone assignment for cold shock domain 1 of Drosophila Upstream of N-ras bound with RNA1797002070XX
25072Sex-lethal in complex with Upstream-to-N-Ras and msl2 mRNA13015201520XX
25100Solution NMR structure pf tRNApro:MLV-Nucleocapsid (1:2) Complex33003030XX
25101Solution NMR structure of tRNApro:MLV Nucleocapsid Protein (1:1) Complex33002500XX
25163NMR structure of the III-IV-V three-way junction from the VS ribozyme2863903680X
25164NMR structure of the III-IV-V three-way junction from the VS ribozyme and identification of magnesium-binding sites using paramagnetic relaxation enhancement2863903680X
25188Solution Structure of the YTH Domain of YT521-B in complex with N6-Methyladenosine containing RNA683155011380XX
25220N6-Methyladenosine RNA2809830X
25291RNA duplex4808770X
25364Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments drosophila stem-loop binding protein complexed with histone mRNA stem-loop148620620XX
25436Solution structure of hnRNP C RRM in complex with the 5'-AUUUUUC-3' RNA46411707900XX
25469Solution structure of hnRNP C RRM in complex with 5'-UUUUC-3' RNA42811707760XX
25526Re-refined solution NMR Structure of the 27 nucleotide engineered neomycin sensing riboswitch RNA-ribostamycin complex1802782050X
25534RNA structure determination by solid-state NMR spectroscopy17349900X
25603Structure of murine tumour necrosis factor alpha CDE RNA14833211850X
25604Solution structure of a double base-pair inversion mutant of murine tumour necrosis factor alpha CDE-23 RNA1510221800X
25652Structure of PTB RRM1(41-163) bound to an RNA stemloop containing a structured loop derived from viral internal ribosomal entry site RNA535119010130XX
25654NMR structure of the II-III-VI three-way junction from the VS ribozyme3945105110X
25655NMR structure of the II-III-VI three-way junction from the VS ribozyme and identification of magnesium-binding sites using paramagnetic relaxation enhancement3945105110X
256611H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments of a the GTP class II RNA aptamer in complex with GTP25911272980X
25669Solution structure of a self complementary Xylonucleic Acid duplex7207740X
25777Solution NMR structure of Tetrahymena telomerase RNA pseudoknot80001840X
25780Structure of CssA4 (bottom stem) of CssA thermometer761702150X
25781NMR Assignment and NMR Structure of CssA3 (top stem) of CssA thermometer671402310X
25784NMR Assignment and structure of CssA Thermometer from Neisseria meningitidis312602870X
25785NMR Assignment and structure of CssA5 (middle region) of CssA thermometer from Neisseria meningitidis321802040X
25800Solution structure of Plasmodium falciparum SR1-RRM1 in complex with ACAUCA RNA3988403740XX
25811NMR-SAXS/WAXS Structure of the core of the U4/U6 di-snRNA5250300X
25826solution structure of microRNA 20b pre-element153001750X
25831solution structure of the complex of microRNA 20b pre-element with Rbfox RRM56611508380XX
25854Zipcode-binding-protein-1 KH3KH4(DD) domains in complex with the RNA target CACACCC403009410XX
25855Zipcode-binding-protein-1 KH3(DD)KH4 domains in complex with the RNA target UCGGACU403009410XX
25997Solution structure of the J domain of EMCV IRES143001540X
25998Solution structure of the K domain of EMCV IRES167001760X
25999Solution structure of the St domain of EMCV IRES164001880X
26024RNA Bulge Loop that Specifically Binds Metal Ions781101840X
26319Backbone 1H, 13C, 15N and CB Chemical Shift Assignments for RRM2/3 when in complex with 12mers of adenine14815201520XX
26568The structure of the SOLE element of oskar mRNA21338302510X
26587Backbone chemical shifts of Roquin ROQ domain in complex with Ox40 stem-hexa-loop RNA29614401440XX
26842NMR resonance assignments for the tetramethylrhodamine binding RNA aptamer 3 in complex with the ligand 5-carboxy-tetramethylrhodamine38215734150X
26934Solution Structure of first stem-loop of Escherichia coli DsrA RNA1402702030X
27229hsa-miR-34a-mSIRT1 bulge U5C9mut71410900X
27399A low-complexity region in the YTH domain protein Mmi1 enhances RNA binding44013801380XX
27452NMR resonance assignment for the SAM/SAH binding riboswitch RNA bound to S-Adenosylhomocysteine30312503050X
27552Chemical Shift Assignments for m62A-h452001090X
27769GA-branchsite-containing RNA duplex with unmodified U2 snRNA site360191820X
27770GA-branchsite-containing RNA duplex with pseudouridine-modified U2 snRNA site350191860X
277941H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments of the GTP 9-12 RNA aptamer in complex with GTP31814103410X
280901H, 13C, and 15N chemical shifts for T4 Gene 60 mRNA 5' Stem-Loop734401350X
28094Solution NMR structure of 5'UTR of Stem loop B in DENV42651803270X
30026NMR structure of the 5'-terminal hairpin of the 7SK snRNA682302560X
30046Ground state sampled during RDC restrained Replica-averaged Metadynamics (RAM) simulations of the HIV-1 TAR complexed with cyclic peptide mimetic of Tat162003890XX
30049Excited state (Bound-like) sampled during RDC restrained Replica-averaged Metadynamics (RAM) simulations of the HIV-1 TAR complexed with cyclic peptide mimetic of Tat162003890XX
30051Intermediate state lying on the pathway of release of Tat from HIV-1 TAR.162003890XX
30108Solution structures of the apo state fluoride riboswitch2401902900X
30132Solution structure of P2a-J2a/b-P2b of medaka telomerase RNA2063702720X
30210Solution structure of the zinc fingers 1 and 2 of MBNL1 in complex with human cardiac troponin T pre-mRNA3008505540XX
30224Structure Effects of the Four-Adenine Loop of the Coliphage GA Replicase RNA Operator15849211960X
30257Structure of wild type pre-miR21 apical loop129001800X
30452Solution structure of a ultra-high affinity macrocycle bound to HIV-1 TAR RNA1711103380XX
30510Solution structure of HIV-1 TAR with Tat RNA Binding Domain1202003070XX
30511Solution structure of 7SK stem-loop 1 with HIV-1 Tat RNA Binding Domain1344703360XX
30512Solution structure of 7SK stem-loop 1492702070X
30533Solution structure of a c-JUN 5' UTR stem-loop associated with specialized cap-dependent translation initiation3321404190X
30546RNA Duplex containing the internal loop 5'-GCUU/3'-UUCG24071480X
30547RNA Duplex containing the internal loop 5'-GCAU/3'-UACG1805880X
30560Solution structure of a c-JUN 5' UTR stem-loop associated with specialized cap-dependent translation initiation (WT apical loop)2911204040X
30622Solution Structure of lncRNA (LINK-A) 20-nt Hexaloop Hairpin109801630X
30665NMR assignment and RNA structure of 5' UTR region stem loop from West Nile Virus2151302770X
3070161 nt human Hepatitis B virus epsilon pre-genomic RNA1642702830X
30730Tandem UU:GA mismatch within an RNA helix2155102390X
30788The FARFAR-NMR Ensemble of 29-mer HIV-1 Trans-activation Response Element RNA (N=20)191802220X
30817Ax1 Domain of VEGF Readthrough Element4100940X
30971Solution structure of 7SK stem-loop 1 with HEXIM Arginine Rich Motif1235002300XX
31061Structure of pre-miR-31 reveals an active role in Dicer processing54003290X
31077TCEIII NMR Structure831101710X
31099FARFAR-NMR ensemble of HIV-1 TAR with apical loop capturing ground and excited conformational states19159292240X
31106The FARFAR-MD-NMR ensemble of an HIV-1 TAR excited state871201000X
34038SINEB2 element of the long non-coding RNA activator of translation AS Uchl163180930X
34057Solution structure of CUG-BP2 RRM3 in complex with 5'-UUUAA-3' RNA33511407730XX
34079Solution NMR structure of hnRNP A1 RRM1 in complex with 5'-UUAGGUC-3' RNA2939306370XX
34080hnRNP A1 RRM2 in complex with 5'-UCAGUU-3' RNA2939206540XX
34100NMR solution structure of the TSL2 RNA hairpin67401500X
34103Structure of TRBP dsRBD 1 and 2 in complex with a 19 bp siRNA (Complex B)515149010780XX
34104Structure of TRBP dsRBD 1 and 2 in complex with a 19 bp siRNA (Complex A)515149010780XX
34171NMR derived model of the 5'-splice site of SMN2 in complex with the 5'-end of U1 snRNA147001660X
34258Solution structure of FUS-ZnF bound to UGGUG1554702970XX
34259Solution structure of FUS-RRM bound to stem-loop RNA47912009010XX
34265Solution structure of the r(UGGUGGU)4 RNA quadruplex44071690X
34276Tc-DNA/RNA duplex121002280XX
34311Solution structure of the RNA duplex formed by the 5'-end of U1snRNA and the 5'-splice site of SMN2 exon7147001730X
34312Solution structure of the RNA duplex formed by the 5'-end of U1snRNA and the 5'-splice site of SMN2 exon7 in complex with the SMN-C5 splicing modifier147001730X
34317Structure of human SRSF1 RRM1 bound to AACAAA RNA2137405570XX
34321NMR solution structure of the C/D box snoRNA U1420777112420X
34323Structure of the RNA duplex containing pseudouridine residue (5'-Cp(PSU)pG-3' sequence context)900161550X
34324Structure of the RNA duplex containing pseudouridine residue (5'-Gp(PSU)pC-3' sequence context)830161550X
34421Solution structure of Staufen1 dsRBD3+4 - hARF1 SBS dsRNA complex.848156013810XX
34422Solution structure of Staufen1 dsRBD4 - hARF1 SBS dsRNA complex.5068007960XX
34427Solution structure of the FUS/TLS RNA recognition motif in complex with U1 snRNA stem loop III64113909810XX
34428Mouse RBM20 RRM domain in complex with AUCUUA RNA50112308540XX
34465Structure of a protein-RNA complex by ssNMR32798000XX
34482Constitutive decay element CDE2 from human 3'UTR94001590X
34483Constitutive decay element CDE1 from human 3'UTR112001350X
34484Constitutive decay element CDE2 from human 3'UTR94001590X
34654Pre-catalytic complex of 10-23 DNAzyme with RNA target118604230XX
34660Solution structure of Zipcode binding protein 1 (ZBP1) KH3(DD)KH4 domains in complex with N6-Methyladenosine containing RNA4390010330XX
34670NMR Structure of the U3 RNA G-quadruplex1341201770X
34673Solution structure of RBM39 RRM2 bound to 5'-AGCUUUG-33608706380XX
34674Solution structure of an intramolecular RNA G-quadruplex formed by the 6A8U17U mutant from a 22mer guanine-rich sequence within the 5'UTR of BCL-2 proto onco-gene1796901840X
34675The solution structure of hsDND1 RRM12 bound to CUUAUUUG RNA637202014610XX
34676Solution structure of an intramolecular RNA G-quadruplex formed by the 6A8A17U mutant from a 22mer guanine-rich sequence within the 5'UTR of BCL-2 proto-oncogene1821201840X
34677Solution structure of an intramolecular RNA G-quadruplex formed by the 6A mutant from a 22mer guanine-rich sequence within the 5'UTR of BCL-2 proto-oncogene1451201750X
34691NMR structure of Npl3 RRM1 bound to the AUCCAA RNA2668006240XX
34692NMR structure of Npl3 RRM12 bound to the AUCCAGUGGAA RNA35614606180XX
34715Solution structure of RBM39 RRM1 bound to U1 snRNA stem loop 3539107080XX
34725RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1 mediated transcription regulation43011308550XX
34726RNA binding induces an allosteric switch in Cyp33 to repress MLL1 mediated transcription regulation3689107220XX
34777Structure of a symmetrical internal loop motif with three consecutive U:U mismatches from stem-loop 1 in the 3'-UTR of the SARS-CoV2 genomic RNA8823101280X
34784Solution structure of the RNA helix formed by the 5'-end of U1 snRNA and an A-1 bulged 5'-splice site in complex with SMN-CY147001730X
34796Integrated NMR/MD structure determination of a dynamic and thermodynamically stable CUUG RNA tetraloop9310131220X
34838Short RNA binding to peptide amyloids390000XX
34878Solution structure of Risdiplam bound to the RNA duplex formed upon 5'-splice site recognition147001730X
34879Solution structure of branaplam bound to the RNA duplex formed upon 5'-splice site recognition147001730X
34885Solution structure of SMN-CX bound to the RNA helix formed upon SMN2 exon7 5'-splice site recognition147001730X
34909The 5-terminal stem-loop RNA element of SARS-CoV-2 features highly dynamic structural elements that are sensitive to differences in cellular pH24510602580X
36059Solution structure of musashi1 RBD2 in complex with RNA4169806140XX
50236WT1-KTS RNA complex47310902640XX
50237free aptamer RNA179602110X
50339Assignment of base 15N and 1H chemical shifts for <5_SL5B+C>2677903380X
50343Assignment of base 1H and 15N chemical shifts for 3_SL218270490X
50346Assignment of base 15N and 1H chemical shifts for 5_SL5a31911903340X
50347Assignment of anomeric protons and base 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shifts for 5_SL42759902900X
50349Assignment of base 15N and 1H chemical shifts for <5_SL1>24510602580X
50351Assignment of base 15N, 13C and 1H chemical shifts for 5_SL631510990X
50552structure of SRSF1 RRM1 bound to RNA (AACAAA)2137405500XX
507601H, 13C,15N and 31P chemical shift assignment of the stem-loop 4 from the 5'-UTR of SARS-CoV-220469242280X
51079Structural effects of m6A modification of the Xist A repeat AUCG tetraloop and its recognition by YTHDC15080860X
51127A functional SNP regulates E-cadherin expression by dynamically remodeling the 3D structure of a promoter-associated non-coding RNA transcript5302906540X
51129pre-miRNA-31 BottomA38001400X
51134pre-miRNA-31 BottomB38001410X
51137Assignment of base 15N and 1H chemical shifts for <5_SL5C>804111150X
51138Assignment of base 15N and 1H chemical shifts for <5_SL5B_GC>284133193360X
51144RNA modifications stabilize the tertiary structure of tRNAfMet by locally increasing conformational dynamics4280340X
51164Assignment of tRNAIle from Escherichia coli11740610X
51210Backbone and sidechain 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments of the RNA bound tandem zinc finger domain of the tristetraprolin family member from Selaginella moellendorffii2876204220XX
51256Inter-domain flexibility of human SRSF1 tandem RRMs allows flexibility in RNA binding48516401640XX
51697Assignment of pre-miRNA-31 TopA short fragment2300900X
51698Assignment of pre-miR-31 Top short fragment39001550X
51869Resonance assignment of the preQ1 riboswitch from Thermotoga tengcongensis296121312910X
51905StASL domain of EMCV IRES J-K-St.3400340X
51906J domain of EMCV IRES J-K-St1800180X
520451H, 13C, 15N and 31P chemical shift assignment of poly(UG) fold RNA19472232220X
52049An analysis of nucleotide-amyloid interactions reveals selective binding to codon-sized RNA390000XX
52092Solution NMR chemical shift assignments for a subdomain construct of 7SK SL3 RNA in the SL3a state781201180X
521268mG4 r(CpG)37800900X
52215SCoV-2 s2m delta27612304180X